1790-1840 Censuses - Merck

And other names of interest

The Mercks are shown in the early censuses (1790-1820) as living in Abbeville and Edgefield Districts.  They likely lived near the border of Abbeville and Edgefield Districts as they appear in both districts over the span of 20-30 years - likely due to redistricting or the census taker not knowing where the dividing line lay.  After about 1820, they were on the move again and it looks like they stopped in Pendleton District SC before moving on again to Jackson and Hall Counties in Georgia.

The name was spelled MARK in the early censuses.  The Hall County Mercks spelled their name MERCK while the Jackson County Mercks spelled it MERK.   I believe the oldest spelling is MERCK which is what I have used here for all the Mercks.


Abbeville District

These names are grouped fairly close together:

  • Conrad Mark(Merck): 3M < 16; 1M>=16; 4F (no ages)
  • Nicholas Briskey: 1M>=16; 3F (no ages) (He is listed on the Edgefield and Abbeville Census)
  • Wm. Dorris: 1M<1; 3M>=16; 3F (no ages)

Moses Thompson and Davis Pressley are shown as living nearby.


Not grouped near the names above:

  • Samuel Merck: 1M>16; 1F (no age)

Samuel is living near my maternal Pettigrew ancestors and Patriot General Andrew Pickens is nearby as well (which is interesting).

Edgefield District

  • Henry Merck: 1M<16; 1M>=16; 4F (no ages)
  • Caty Merck: 1F (no age)
  • Coonrod Mark: 2M<16; 2M>=16; 3F (no ages)

Gable, Zimmerman, Stefl and Shelnut are shown as living nearby.



Abbeville District

These names are grouped fairly close together:
  • Conrod Mark: 2M<10; 1M=16-25; 1M=45+; 2F<10; 2F=10-15; 2F=26-44; 1F=45+
  • Henry Mark: 2M<10; 1M=26-44; 3F<10; 1F=16-25
  • William Dorris: 2M<10; 1M=10-15; 1M=45+; 2F<10; 1F=10-15;1F=26-44
  • James Dorris: 1M<10; 1M=26-44; 3F<10; 1F=26-44

Fritzes, Rampys, Pressleys, Harmon Gabel and Moses Thompson are also living nearby.


Edgefield District

These names are grouped fairly close together:
  • William Dorries: 4M=10-15; 2M=16-25; 1M=45+; 1F=10-15; 4F=16-25; 1F=45+
  • Elizcrate Dorries: 2M=10-15; 1M=16-25; 1F<10; 1F=10-15; 1F=16-25; 1F=26-44

Rampy is also living nearby.

Abbeville District

  • Coonerd Mark: 1M<10; 2M=10-15; 1M=45+
  • Conrad Mark: 2M<10; 3M=10-15; 1M=45+
These 2 Conrads are not grouped close together: One is on page 490 with several Presley families and H.Gable living nearby.  The 2nd Conrad noted above is on page 405 living near Moses Thompson.

Pendleton District

  • Thomas Mark


Abbeville District

Living very close together - consecutive entries:
  • William Dorris: 2M<10; 1M=16-25; 1F<10; 1F=16-25
  • John Dorris: 1M<10; 1M=16-18; 2M=16-25; 1F=16-25
Rampy, Zimmerman and Stefl living closeby.

Edgefield District

  • George Merck: 1M=16-25; 1M=26-44; 1F=16-25; 1F=45+

Pendleton District

  • George Mark: 2M<10; 1M=10-15; 1M=16-18; 1M=16-25; 1M=45
     1F<10; 1F=10-15; 1F=16-25; 1F=45+

These 3 Mercks appear to be living fairly close together:
  • Daniel Mark: 1M=16-25; 1F=16-25
  • John Merk: 1M=16-25; 1F<10; 1F=16-25
  • Balser Merk: 2M<10; 1M=16-25; 1F=16-25


Abbeville District

  • William Dorris: 1M<5; 1M=30-39; 1F=20-29

Edgefield District

  • John Dorris:  1M=30-39; 2F<5; 2F-5-9; 1F= 10-14; 1F=20-29

Henry Shelnut, Zimmerman, Stefl and Rampy nearby.

Pickens District

  • Daniel Marks:

Hall County, Georgia

  • John Merck, Jr.: 1M<5; 1M=5-9; 1M=20-29; 2F<2; 1F=5-9; 1F=10-14; 1F=30-39
  • George Merck: 1M=10-14; 1M=15-19; 1M=50-59; 1F= 15-19; 1F=50-59
Living fairly close together.

Jackson County, Georgia

  • Henry Murk: 1M=20-29; 1F=20-29
Living near the Applebys and Williamsons (probably the Dry Pond area).


(This page was updated on 11/6/2020)