
This is just a small sample of the hundreds of books, publications and papers that I have collected about the families that make up my ancestry.   As with this entire website, I am slowly updating this page as I have the time available to do so.

Leonardo Andrea Collection, 1949, Leonardo Andrea
A professional genealogist, Mr. Andrea's work was probably the first definitive research of the Hollis family of Fairfield and Chester SC.  Copies of this paper can be obtained from various sources.  The Caroliniana Library at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC has this paper on microfilm along with all of the other families that Leonardo Andrea researched.
THE HOLLIES, A Hollis Family History From Surrey To Spendora, 2003, Patrick Donegan Hollis
Covers his own Hollis family history starting from Fairfax, VA and ending in Texas.  Includes quite a bit of Hollis family history for the descendants of John Hollis of Fairfax, VA that moved south and settled in the southern states.
The Family of Spearsville, 2007, W. Gene Barron
Although this book is primarily the history of the Barron family in Northern LA, it also covers Spearsville, LA history and many of its allied families including some of the Hollis family that are descendants of John Gideon Hollis and his brother Samuel Hollis who settled in the Spearsville and Marion areas in the early 1840s.
History Of The Old Cheraws, 1867, Alexander Gregg
Contains a descriptive historical history of the upper Pedee area of central South Carolina including the Revolutionary War battles and early settlers of the area.
Bankhead family history including the Hollis family connection to the Bankhead family.
The History of Dark Corner, Campbell County, GA, 2014, John B. Bailey
Hollis, Dorris and Darnell families among others.
GREENVILLE, The History of the City and County in the South Carolina Piedmont, 1995, Archie Vernon Huff, Jr., Pages 296-298; There is a brief summary of Lawrence Peter Hollis who was instrumental in the early education and aid for mill workers in Greenville, South Carolina.  There is a statue of Peter located at the intersection of Pete Hollis Road and Rutherford Road in Greenville, SC.  Interestingly, many years before this statue was erected, I lived less than 200 yards away on Pinckney Street (early 1980s).  Pete Hollis is a distant cousin of mine via our Fairfield County, SC, Hollis family.

FIRST SETTLERS OF UPPER GEORGIA, George R. Gilmer, 1854; The author of this book is former Governor of Georgia, George Gilmer.  On page 508 he mentions that he met Colonel James Blair and the Governor described him as follows: "Blair spent his life on the frontiers, had traded much with the Cherokee Indians, and was very unscrupulous."  He went on to describe a "scheme" which James Blair was involved with that left Governor Gilmer and his wife wary and distrustful of him; However, he later remarked that "We did him and ourselves a great injustice by our suspicions, for which we suffered much...".  James Blair is my 4th great-grand uncle (maternal).  Interestingly, Governor Gilmer is buried at the Old Lexington Presbyterian Church cemetery in downtown Lexington Georgia which happens to be the same cemetery where my paternal Jackson 2nd great grandparents are buried.

CALLAWAYS of Western Wilkes County, Georgia, Ancestors, Descendants, and Allied Families of John and Bethany Arnold Callaway, 2007, Samuel Taylor Geer
Fuller E. Callaway, Portrait of a New South Citizen, 2015, Buckner F. Melton, Jr. and Carol Willcox Melton; Early life in LaGrange, GA and his career as a self-made industrialist in the post Civil War South.  Fuller is the uncle of Callaway Golf founder Ely Callaway who is also from LaGrange, GA.  Fuller is my paternal 2nd cousin (we share John Callaway and Bethany Arnold as grandparents - his  grandparents and my 5th great-grandparents).


A Historic Sketch Of The Parish Church of St. Michael In the Province of South Carolina, George S. Holmes, 1887; Samuel Hart is noted.
The Story of Alabama - A History of the State, Marie Bankhead Owen,1949, Rev. Samuel Hart is noted.
An Historical Account Of The Protestant Episcopal Church, In South-Carolina, From The First Settlement Of The Province To The War of the Revolution, Frederick Dalcho, M.D., 1820; Rev. Samuel Hart is noted.
The History of Freemasonry in South Carolina, From Its Origin In The Year 1736 To The Present, Albert G. Mackey, M.D., 1861; Numerous mentions of Rev. Samuel Hart, Henry Laurens and Charles Pinckney.
A Standard History Of Georgia And Georgians, Vol. V, Lucien Lamar Knight, 1917; Mayson and Hart family are noted.


Feed Them The Steel, 2016, Mark Lemon; Mark Lemon is a direct descendant of Captain James Lile Lemon who is the only Georgian to have been awarded the Confederate Medal of Honor.  Mark provides an introduction with a short history of the Lemon family but most of the book is the transcribed war diary/journal of James Lemon beginning with his enlistment and ending with his capture as a POW (A fascinating read).  He participated in almost every major battle that the Army of N. Virginia was involved with and he details his experiences in a battle-by-battle running diary.  His intelligence and education are clear in his writing and diagrams.  James Lemon is my 1st cousin (paternal).
Acworth, Images of America, 2003, Acworth Society for Historic Preservation, Inc.; Numerous mentions and photos of the Lemon family who were among the very first settlers in Acworth and Cobb County, GA.
Cobb County, Images of America, 2005, Rebecca Nash Paden and Joe McTyre; The Lemon family is mentioned along with photos.
Rembering Georgia's Confederates, Images of America, Dr. David N. Wiggins, 2005; Captain James Lile Lemon is noted.
The Story of the Decatur Presbyterian Church 1825-1975, 1975, Caroline McKinney Clarke; James Lemon noted as founder & trustee and his father Robert is listed as trustee.
THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS, A Short History of Cobb County, in Georgia, Sarah Blackwell Gober Temple, 1935; The Lemon family is noted in some detail.
The Georgia Frontier, Volume II, Revolutionary War Families to the Mid-1800s, 2005, Jeanette Holland Austin; The Lemon family is noted in some detail.

History Of Edgefield County From The Earliest Settlements To 1897, John A. Chapman, A.M., 1897; Numerous mentions of James Mayson's activities at the Battle of Ninety Six, SC.
A Standard History Of Georgia And Georgians, Vol. V, Lucien Lamar Knight, 1917; Mayson and Hart family are noted.


James Johnston Pettigrew and His Men at Gettysburg, 1998, Clyde N. Wilson; Details the early life in North Carolina and wartime life of Brigadier General James J. Pettigrew, a hero of the Confederacy.  He is my 2nd cousin (maternal) as we share James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran as grandparents (His great grandmother and my 6th great grandmother).
13 Alabama Ghosts And Jeffrey, 1969, Kathryn Tucker Windham and Margaret Gillis Figh, Page 46-54; Short story about the steamboat ELIZA BATTLE disaster that occurred on the Tombigbee River in Alabama in 1858 where over 29 persons perished and Rebecca Coleman Pettigrew (widow of Ebenezer Pettigrew) sent help and opened her home to the survivors for medical care. Her plantation home was situated very close to the site of the disaster.  Her husband, Ebenezer Pettigrew, is my 2nd cousin (maternal) as he is also a descendant of James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran who are his great grandparents and my 6th great grandparents.
Crilly House, Northern Ireland;  Home of my maternal 6th great grandparents.  I recently found this real estate brochure online listing the house for sale in 2013..  It has great photos of the house and grounds.

Genealogical Sketch of Certain of the American Descendants of Mathew Talbot, Gentleman, 1956, Robert Howe Fletcher, Jr; Details the life of Mathew Talbot of Virginia and GA and his descendants.
Genealogies of Virginia Families - From the William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, 1982; Details the Smith family of Virginia - James Talbot, Son of Mathew, is mentioned.  James married Elizabeth Smith who was the grand daughter of Captain John Smith and Mary Warner.  These families are arguably the most famous in America History having President George Washington and Meriwether Lewis (Lewis & Clark) among its heritage.
Rembering Georgia's Confederates, Images of America, Dr. David N. Wiggins, 2005; General W.H.T (William Henry  Talbot) Walker is noted.
The BATTLE of ATLANTA and the Georgia Campaign, 1958, William Key; General W.H.T. (William Henry Talbot) Walker is noted.  General Walker was killed on the same day and within 1/2 mile of where Union General McPherson died.  There are memorials marking the locations of their deaths in the eastern suburbs of Atlanta (along I-20).

Ota Benga, The Pygmy In The Zoo, Phillips Verner Bradford and Harvey Blume, 1992; Details the exploitation of Ota Benga an African Pygmy brought to America by Samuel Phillips Verner.


THE PENDLETON LEGACY, an illustrated history of the district
, 1971, Beth Ann Klosky

Early Records of Franklin County, GA, 2014, Lois Helmers

Daniel Boone, THE LIFE AND LEGEND OF AN AMERICAN PIONEER, 1992, John Mack Faragher

The Patriots at the Cowpens, 1985 (Revised Edition), Bobby Gilmer Moss

Come To The Cow Pens! The Story of the Battle of Cowpens January 17, 1781, Christine R. Swager, 2002

The Patriots at Kings Mountain, 1990, Bobby Gilmer Moss

THE GREAT WAGON ROAD, How Scotch-Irish and Germanics Settled the Uplands, 2008, Parke Rouse, Jr.

Cowpens, Official National Park Handbook, Handbook Number 135, 1988, U.S. Dept. of the Interior

THE BATTLES OF KINGS MOUNTAIN AND COWPENS, The American Revolution in the Southern Backcountry, 2013, Melissa Walker

The Battle of Kings Mountain With Fire and Sword, Wilma Dykeman, National Park Service

GREENVILLE, The History of the City and County in the South Carolina Piedmont, 1995, Archie Vernon Huff, Jr.

Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution, 1983, Bobby Gilmer Ross

HISTORY OF FAIRFIELD COUNTY South Carolina, FROM "Before the White Man Came to 1942, 1980, Fitz Hugh McMaster

(Updated 7/29/2017)