Abernathy Family

Signal Abernathy was the father of Lucy who married Elisha Wilkinson.

Signal died in 1807 in Mecklenburg County, VA and he left a Will naming his family members.

1807 Will of Signal Abernathy

The Will of

Signal Abernathy Sr

3 Apr 1807

In the name of God, Amen. I Signal Abernathy Senr of the county of Mecklenburg being in good health sense and memory thanks to god for the same but knowing it is appointed for all men once to die I do make & ordain this to be my last will and Testament in manner and force following, that is to say I give to my son Thomas Abernathy my long branch land his heirs and assigns forever. I also give to my above named son the following negroes Ted and Polly one feather bed and furniture and one roan mare called Whalebone all the above to him his heirs and assigns forever. I give to my daughter Lucy Wilkinson one negro boy named Edward to her and her heirs forever. I give to the heirs of my daughter Nancy Meredith dec'd one negro boy named Seth to them and their heirs forever. I give to my son James Abernathy the following Negroes, that is to say, Robb and Nedd, to him and his heirs forever. I give to my son David Abernathy the following negroes that is to say John and Dick to him his heirs and assigns forever.I give to my son Robert Abernathy the following negoes that is to say Daniel and Violett to him his heirs and assigns forever. Lastly I give to my beloved wife Martha during her life as follows all my lands below the great branch, the Mill excepted. I give her the Mill during her widowhood and in case [she marries?] I desire the Mill to be sold and divided among all my children. I give her during life three feather beds and furniture two horses of her choice one head of cattle ten head sheep twenty head hogs one yoke oxen and cart one riding chair household and kitchen furniture as I leave it. She is to take it during her life. I give her during her life the following negroes that is to say Ben, Patty, Sam, Frank and Peggy and at her death everything I leave her to be sold and equally divided among all my children. I now conclude by devising for every part of my estate that I have not named to be sold and equally divided among all my children and I further devise for not one appraisement or inventory to be taken on my estate. I appoint my wife and Burwell Abernathy the whole and sole executionors of this my last will and Testament revoking all others by me formerly made. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this the third day of April eighteen hundred and seven.


Signal Abernathy Senr

Signed sealed and declared to be the last will and testament in the presence of witness

William Mitchell

Edward Holloway

Edu'd B Hicks

At ___ [alout?] held for Mecklenburg County the 11 day of Jul 1808

This will was proved by the oaths of Edward Holloway and Edward B. Hicks witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.


William Baskerville ___

(Transcribed by Elizabeth Ferguson)

Wife: Martha

Named Children: 

  • Thomas Abernathy
  • Lucy Wilkinson
  • Nancy Meredith (deceased)
  • James Abernathy
  • David Abernathy
  • Robert Abernathy
  • Burwell Abernathy

Slaves: Ted, Polly, Edward, Seth, Robb, Nedd, John, Dick, Daniel, Violett, Ben, Patty, Sam, Frank and Peggy.

(This page was updated on 6/28/2023)