Much of my research on the DAVIS and LEMON/LAMONT families was published in book form in 2019 (DECATUR AND ATLANTA FIRST, THEY WERE PRESBYTERIANS).  This book includes the ANDERSON, DAVIDSON and MAYSON families as well as many other allied families.  The links to the complete book in PDF format are found below.

My suggestion is for you to download the INDEX first, locate the subjects and then download the relevant pages.  


DECATUR AND ATLANTA FIRST, They Were Presbyterians

(Please note that my book is copyrighted which includes all of these PDF files.)



PAGE 5-17 (Lemon family begins on Page 9)

PAGE 18-38 (Lemon family)

PAGE 39-52 (Lemon family)

PAGE 53-60 (Lemon family)

PAGE 61-85 (Lemon family) (Anderson page 71)

PAGE 86-103 (Lemon family)

PAGE 104-115 (Lemon family)

PAGE 116-135 (Lemon family to Page 124) (Davis family begins on Page 125)

PAGE 136-150 (Davis family)

PAGE 151-154 (Davis family)

PAGE 155-169 (Davis family)

PAGE 170-179 (Davis & Davidson family)

PAGE 180-193 (Davis & Davidson family) (Mayson family)

PAGE 194-197 (Anderson family)

PAGE 198-200

PAGE 201-204

PAGE 205-208

PAGE 209-212

PAGE 213-222 (References, Sources, etc.)

LATEST ADDITIONS, UPDATES AND CHANGES (Page is in progress - Not yet in book)


My intent for this website is to put ALL of my research up for viewing but the book poses a problem because I cannot simply take the Microsoft WORD document and paste it here because the WORD format doesn't translate directly into web format (HTML).  The result for you would be ideal but it would be an extremely time consuming process for me and very much like writing the book all over again.

Offering my book as a PDF file here is a simple solution; However, Google does not allow large PDF files so I would have to buy a web site to house the PDF file.  Again, not a good solution.

So, what I have decided to do is to break up my book into smaller PDF files.  This may not be ideal for you, the reader/researcher but you will always have the option of purchasing my book from Amazon if you wish to have a more fluid reading experience.  Also, purchasing my book provides you with the latest printed revision since I may not get around to updating these PDF files here due to the time consuming nature of breaking up the book into small PDF files.  Purchasing the book also provides you with a book that does not contain a watermark on each page.

One major advantage that a PDF file has over a printed book is the ability to search for specific names on a page.  Just download the PDF file and use the search feature of the PDF viewer that you are using.

(This page was updated on 10/23/2020)