Dorris Records In Georgia

Land Records

Jackson County, Georgia (Source: Jackson County Courthouse and Jackson County Historical Society,

 1. John O. Cheatham sold to James Dorris, a lot on Broad Street, Village of Jefferson, 104 feet x 400 feet adjoining Thomas Adams; Witnesses Francis Meriwhether and & S. Ripley, Recorded by Edward Adams, Deed book H, page 412, Jan 5, 1828.

The author believes this lot is probably lot #9 on the attached map.  Present day this is the SE corner of Sycamore and Gordon Streets on the "square".  Present day lots are not as deep so the lot that James owned likely ran along present day Gordon Street for 400 feet.

One interesting note with the map below is that lot #9 was owned by a HORTON in 1867.  The Horton family is an allied family of my Dorris ancestors: Rev. John M. Dorris married Elizabeth Clements who was the granddaughter of Prosser Horton.

Map found at Jackson County Historical Archives showing lot #9 in downtown Jefferson, Jackson County, GA circa 1867

(Jackson County Historical Archives; Author annotation)

Probable lot owned by James Dorris in present day dowtown Jefferson, Jackson County, Georgia

(Mapquest; Annotation by the author, 2020)

Other noteworthy transactions for Jackson County:

1. Francis Meriwether to James Dorris, 145 acres, E. Adams line noted; Witnesses John M. Dorris, Sylvaness Riply, JIC, Deed book I-J, page 105, March 10, 1830.

This record indicates that John M. Dorris was living in Jefferson at the same time as his brother James.  Also 145 acres, if in the downtown area, would include quite a bit of present day Jefferson City proper.

2. James Dorris to John H. Chapman, Town of Jefferson, Broad Street, a lot adjoining Samuel Watson; Witnesses, Jacob ___ & David Witte, Deed book K, page 157, Nov 26, 1831.

3. James Dorris to Samuel Watson,19 acres on the north side of the road leading from Jefferson to Gainesville, adjoining Watson and Dorris; Witnesses, William Cowan & Thos. L. ____, recorded by Sylvanus Ripley, Deed book K, page 172, September 4, 1835.

The road leading from Jefferson to Gainesville was likely present day Highway 129.  This land was probably where the First Baptist Church is now located or the land on the south side of Church Street.

4. Elizabeth Dorris to Frederick Parks Henry, forty acres, Dry Pond corner and Merk's corner, Orr's line; Witnesses, William Winburn, B.H. Overley, Claiborne Harris, recorded by John J. McCulloch, Deed book L, page 140-141, January 22, 1840.

This transaction could possibly indicate a relationship between the Dorris family and the Henry family.  It may also indicate that the Mercks' land was somewhat of a landmark and/or community.  More later....

5. Archibald Jackson to James Dorris in trust for Mary Thompson, on the road leading from Jefferson to the Academy Bridge, 13-1/2 acres, adjoining Francis Meriwether; Witnesses, V.A. Stuart and Sylvanus Riply, recorded by Edward Adams, Deed book I-J, page 54, Jan 5, 1828.

This transaction indicates a familial relationship between Mary Thompson and James Dorris.  Mary can be found living near James on the 1840 census for Cherokee County.  

>>Click here for more on the Thompson Family<<

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper clipping, Elizabeth Dorris, Athens Georgia Newspaper

(Georgia Historic Newspapers; The Athenian, April 6, 1827)

Note the name just above Elizabeth: His name is misspelled but this is Major General and Doctor, Ange DeLaPerriere who is buried near Hoschton/Braselton in Jackson County, Georgia.  I will post more on him and his family later.

Gainesville Georgia Newspaper Clipping, William Dorris, William Clements and John Merck listed

(Georgia Historic Newspapers; The Athenian, April 19, 1831)

Note the following names listed: William Clements is my 4th great grandfather; William Dorris is probably the brother of James Dorris and Rev. John M. Dorris, and John Merck is as yet untraced but likely a cousin of James, John and William Dorris.


(This page was updated 10/21/2020)