Edward Hollis

There is a land record for Edward as early as 1749 so he may have been one of the first of the Hollis clan to have arrived on the Wateree River.  It appears that his land was near the Richland/Fairfield District border.

SOUTH CAROLINA    Persuant to a precept to me directed by George Hunter Esq. Surv. Genl bearing date the 4th day of Oct.1749. I have measured and laid out unto Edward Hollis a tract of land containing four hundred and fifty acres situate lying and being on the S side of the Wateree River Butting & bounding to the S. E. on the said river, to the S W part on land laid out and part on land, not laid out. And to the N. W. & N. E. on land not laid out. And hath such shape from and marks as appear by the above plat. Certified by me the 10th day of Nov A. D. 1749         Jno. Pearson  D.S.

1749 Land Grant for Edward Hollis on the Wateree River in South Carolina
(SC Archives)

We also have a few later land transactions on record.



PAGE 144, Book R-3, pp. 271-277,27 & 28 Sept. 1769 L & R 

EDWARD HOLLIS, cooper, to JOHN PEARSON, planter, both of Craven Co., for L 200 currency, 131 a. in 2 tracts of 81 a. & 50 a. Whereas on 24 Apr. 1752 Gov. JAMES GLEN granted THOMAS JACKSON 500 a. in the low grounds of the Congaree River opposite Saxegotha Township, bounding N on WILLIAM HAY; other sides on vacant land; & by L & R dated 16 & 17 June 1752 JACKSON sold 81 a. in the SE part to EDWARD HOLLIS; & whereas on 14 May 1752 Gov. JAMES GLEN granted WILLIAM CROMPTON 50 a. at the Congarees, on N side Santee River, bounding N on RICHARD CROMPTON; W on THOMAS JACKSON; S & E on JOHN FAIRCHILD; which 50 a. CROMPTON by L & R dated 7 & 8 Aug. 1751 sold to EDWARD HOLLIS; now HOLLIS sells both tracts to PEARSON.  Witnesses:  NATHANIEL PARTRIDGE, JOSHUA BRIGGS. Before ROBERT GOODWYN, J.P., on 10 Aug. 1770. Recorded 9 Oct. 1770 by HENRY RUGELEY, Register.



PAGE 156, BOOK S-3, PP. 65-70 

EDWARD HOLLIS, cooper, to WILLIAM HOWELL, planter, both of Craven Co., for L 210 currency, 28 & 29 SEPT. 1761  L & R   105 a. on HOLLIS'S Neck, bounding NE on BARTHOLOMEW VAWTER & JOHN TAYLOR: SE on JOHN TAYLOR & Raiford's Creek; SW on Raiford's Creek; NW on JOHN FAIRCHILD, ESQ., & Raiford's Lake or Creek.  Whereas on 1 Jan. 1745 Gov. JAMES GLEN granted SOLOMON McGRAW 200 a. on N side Santee (Congaree) River, opposite  Saxegotha Township, bounding NW on PHILIP RAIFORD JR. (now BARTHOLOMEW VAWTER) & ON JOHN FAIRCHILD; NE on JOHN PEARSON (formerly said VAWTER); SE on JOHN PEARSON (now JOHN TAYLOR) & vacant land (now heirs of ARTHUR HOWELL); SW on vacant land (now heirs of ARTHUR HOWELL) as by grant recorded in Sec. Book L.L. fol. 293; which land McGRAW sold to HOLLIS for L200:10:0 by L & R dated 28 & 29 Aug. 1761; now HOLLIS sells a part of the NE part to HOWELL.  Witnesses: JOHN TAYLOR, SAMUEL WASHBURN, PHILIP PETER PEARSON, on 29 Sept. 1761, before JOHN PEARSON, J.P.  Recorded 11 Jan. 1771 by HENRY RUGELEY, Register.





JOHN HOPKINS, 12 Jan. 1775: 150 acres in the low ground of Congaree River. Bounded  SE part on Peter Hammil and part on Hans Jacob Morf; NE on Herman Reece; NW vacant and part on Hans Jacob Geiger and part on Richard Spencer. Originally granted 2 Aug. 1757 to Richard Jones and by him conveyed to Edward Hollis 10-11 Jan. 1759, who conveyed said tract by L & R 14-15 July 1774 to John Hopkins, the memorialist. Jno. Hopkins. [13-239:1]




B-5, 389-391: 2 & 3 July 1772

EDWARD HOLLIS of Craven County, SC to JOHN DAWSON of Charlestown, merchant, for L 675 SC money, 450 acres granted to EDWARD HOLLIS 21 May 1757 on south side of Wateree River. EDWARD HOLLIS (LS), Wit: LEWIS THOMPSON, MALCOM CLARKE.  Proved 3 July 1772 before WILLIAM THOMPSON, J. P. in Berkley County, by the oath of Lewis Thomson. Recorded 18 Oct 1779.




Book X-X, p: 564m 8 & 9 Aug. 1757,L & R                            

THOMAS JACKSON, carpenter, to JAMES MAY, carpenter, of Craven Co., for L357 currency, 357 a., the remainder of 500 a., in Craven Co., on N side Congaree River, bounding N on WILLIAM HAY & WILLIAM MOORE; W on JOHN EVANS'S part of said 500 a. & on estate of JAMES MCKELVEY; S on vacant land; E on EDWARD HOLLIS, the other part of said 500 a.  Whereas Gov. JAMES GLEN on 24 Apr. 1752 granted THOMAS JACKSON 500 a. in Craven Co., on N side Congaree River, bounding N on WILLIAM HAY, WILLIAM MOORE, & HUGH MURPHY; W on RICHARD JACKSON, HENRY SNELLING & JAMES MCKELVEY; S & E on vacant land; & whereas THOMAS JACKSON, for L81 currency, on 17 June 1752, sold EDWARD HOLLIS 81 a.: & for L60 currency, sold JOHN EVANS 62 a.; now he sells the remainder to JAMES MAY.  Witnesses: JOHN SPARKS, GEORGE (X) RAWLINSON.  SPARKS testified before JOHN PEARSON, J. P., on 10 Aug. 1757.  Recorded 13 Feb. 1762 by WILLIAM HOPTON, Register.



 And we have the 1793 Will of Edward:



Will of Edward Hollis  

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I Edward Hollis of the State of So. Carolina and District of Camden,  Cooper, being weak in Body but of Sound mind and perfect Memory, thanks be to God for the Same, but knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following.  First I Command my Soul unto my God and Savior in whose merits I trust for full Remission of all my sins, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretions of my executers hereafter Named, and as for my Temporal Estate and such goods, and Chattles it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and Bequeath in the following manner, and it is my will and Desire that all my just Debts and funeral expences shall be paid.  

Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Loving and Lawful wife Elenor Hollis and to her Heirs for ever the following Negroes Viz.  Antrim, Tibb, Milly, and Nancy, 

Item  I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid wife all my Stock of Cattle, Horses, Hogs, and Household furniture and to her heirs forever.  

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Abram Hollis of the State of Pennsylvania the Sum of one Shilling sterling.  

Item  I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Wright the sum of one Shilling.  

Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Garrett the sum of One Shilling sterling.  

Item  I give and bequeath unto my son if alive in the Kingdom of Ireland the sum of one Shilling sterling.  

And I do hereby nominate and appoint my Friend Capt. Richard Brown and my wife Elenor Hollis to be my lawful Executors and Execu'd of this last will and Testament, hereby revoking any other will or Wills heretofore made acknowledging this to be my only and last Will and Testament. Intestimony where of I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal this 18th of July 1793.

Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of us Mary Brown, John Bancroff, Granville Thomson                                                              

Proved in Open Court Oct 6th 1794 on the Testimony of Granvill Thomson, Martyn Aiken   C.   C.

Recorded WILL Book C. Page 102  Box 15  Package 351


Thus we have Edward with a wife named Eleanor, daughters Jane and Ann, a son named Abram and an unnamed son living in Ireland.  It is unlikely that my line descends from Edward unless he left children that were not named in his Will; However, there is a reference to an Edward Hollis and wife Eleanor arriving in SC with 7 children but I have not seen this document as the link no longer works and it would appear that these newsletters are now only available by purchase or as a member of the VGS.  If it is the same Edward (probably), it is entirely possible that 3 of his children died by the time his Will was written in 1793.

(This page was updated on 12/4/2022)