Henry and George Merck of Jackson County, GA


George was born in Edgefield, SC about 1794.  He moved to Georgia in the 1820s or 1830s.  By the time the 1840 census was taken, he was living in Jackson County Georgia.

His first wife was Elizabeth Langley, the daughter of David Langley (possibly the son of Josiah Langley).

George and Elizabeth settled in the Dry Pond area of Jackson County.  They were members of the Dry Pond Methodist Church and both are likely buried in the older church cemetery.  They were devoted Methodists and named at least two of their children after famous Methodists (John Wesley, Francis Asbury).

Obituary found at the Commerce Library

George Merk was born in Edgefield District, S.C., August 7th 1794 and departed this life in Jackson County, Ga, July 28th 1877 aged 82 years, 11 months and 21 days.  He had been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church for a period of 35 or more.  He was received in the church at old Dry Pond, at a Camp Meeting.  He was convinced and convicted at the same time and place by the powerful arguments set forth by the Presiding Elder, Rev. J. W. Glenn, and continued a faithful and consistent member until the Great Head of the church militant transferred him to the church triumphant.  The last four months of his life he was a great sufferer, but was very patient under his affliction.  He was always resigned to his affliction and to the will of Him who worketh all things together for good to them who love Him.  At times he seemed desirous to depart this life and be with Christ.  He was a good and kind father, a loving and affectionate husband, loved and respected by all who knew him. His end was peace.  He rests from his labors here to reap his reward in glory. He leaves a companion, a large family of children and a large circle of friends to mourn their loss.

George died on July 28, 1877.  His estate was probated by his son Henry.  From his estate documents (Jackson County Historical Society) the following beneficiaries are listed:

Widow: Martha A. Merk

S.E. Bailey

F.P. Henry

W.B. Patrick

J.W. Pruitt

A.J. Merk

F.A. Merk

G.A. Merk

J.W. Merk

Amanda Carter

Delilah Marlow

In the Jackson County Library in Commerce there is a family file on the Merk/Merck family.  In this file someone had prepared the following listing of the children of George and Elizabeth:

Nancy b.1821 married a Marlow

Andy b. 1823

Catherine b. 1824 married Green R. Bailey

Henry b. 1826 married Mary E. Williamson

Elizabeth b. 1831 married Samuel J. Pruitt (moved to Kansas)

George Andrew Merk b. 1832 married Mary Wilhite

Mary Jane Merk b. 1838 married Miles J. Patrick

Amanda Merk b. 1838 m. O.G.W. Carter

John Wesley Merk b. 1841 m. Mary Elizabeth Jackson

Frances Asbury Merk b. 1844 m. Julia E. Akin

Adding my own research, I have come up with the following list of 11 children by 2 wives:

  1. Nancy married Josiah M. Marlow (Shown on the 1850 census for Jackson County, GA)  Her husband is buried in a family cemetery near Pendergrass.

  2. Andrew J. is living in Jackson County on the 1850 census listing his occupation as "Merchant"; On the 1860 census, he is living with his parents (age 37).  Possibly died in the Civil War (Thompson's Company, Company G, 16th Volunteer Infantry).

  3. Catherine married Green R. Bailey (Shown living in Clarke County on the 1860 census)

  4. Henry (b. May 15, 1825; d. April 16, 1915) married Mary E. Williamson and they remained in Jackson County.  Both are buried in the Dry Pond UMC cemetery.  Is Mary Williamson related to the Williamsons of White Hall, Abbeville, SC? See note below.  

    Henry & Mary had  a son who became a Methodist Minister: Rev. Andrew Brantley Merck.  Andrew married Mary Jane Pinson whose family is another notable family of Jackson County, Georgia.

    Methodist Preachers In Georgia 1783-1900

  5. Elizabeth (b. April 15, 1831; d. July 14, 1921) married Samuel J. Pruitt and they moved to Minneapolis, Kansas (on Salt Creek).  Samuel was struck by lightning and killed at age 58.

  6. George Andrew married Mary A. M. Wilhite.  They are living in Jackson County Georgia when the 1870 census was taken.

  7. Mary Jane (b. June 1, 1834; d. May 19, 1916) married Miles J. Patrick who was killed in the Civil War in 1862 (Co. G, 16 GA Inf, Yorktown).  They are both buried in the Woodbine (Jefferson City) Cemetery.  Mary and her children are living with George on the 1870 census.

  8. Amanda (July 4, 1838; d. August 3, 1896) married Obediah George Washington Carter.  They are buried in the Oconee Baptist Church cemetery near Dry Pond in Jackson County.

  9. John Wesley (Feb. 8, 1843; d. July 2, 1920) married Mary Elizabeth Jackson.  John was a doctor.  He served in the Civil War (Co. C 16th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers).  John and Mary are buried in the Oconee Baptist Church cemetery.  Mary Elizabeth Jackson was the daughter of Ephraim and Louisiana Jackson who are probably related to my Jackson ancestors of nearby Oglethorpe and Wilkes Counties.

  10. Francis Asbury (b. April 13, 1845; d. October 15, 1922) married Julia Akin.  Served in the Civil War, Company E, 34th GA Infantry.  Francis and Julia are buried in the Grove Level Cemetery near Maysville, Georgia.  Interestingly, Julia is living with George on the 1870 census.

  11. About 1863, George's wife Elizabeth (Langley) died and George married Martha Ann Elrod and they had one child together: William Merk born about 1867. William married Elizabeth and they are buried in the Bogart Baptist Church cemetery near Bogart Georgia.

Note:  Regarding the Williamson family connection, in January 1842 Henry Merck was a testator and/or executor for the estate of  Nathaniel Shotwell whose son-in-law was John L. Williamson.  And then in 1862, Henry was the executor for the estate of Richard H. Williamson (see newspaper below).

Shortly after George died in 1877, his widow Martha married a Mitchell, probably the James R. Mitchell shown on the 1880 census for Jackson County living near the Wilhites and Henry Merk.  James R. Mitchell is buried in the Old Dry Pond Church cemetery.  James R. Mitchell's daughter married Alfred Roland Braselton, the nephew of Jacob Braselton.

The estate documents for George indicate about 300 acres of land  Some or all of the land is noted to be in the 257th District of Jackson adjoining E.C. Nunn, A.T. Bennett, Polly Adair, O.G.W. Carter, A.B. Wilson and Henry Merk.

The estate documents also interestingly list heirs/distributions:

Delilah E. Marlow

S.E. Bailey

Milly Yarborough

Thos. W. Garrison

E.C. Nunn

J.B. Dunahoo

J.G. Dunahoo

Delilah Marlow appears to be his granddaughter. E.C. Nunn is Elijah Nunn who married Martha A. Patrick who is probably related to Miles Patrick (George Merk's son-in-law).   Elijah Nunn and his wife Mary are buried in the same church cemetery as his son John Wesley and his daughter Amanda Carter (Oconee Baptist).


Henry (Jr.) born about 1799.  He married Elizabeth Langley (b. NC about 1802) and they moved to Jackson County, GA and then to Carroll County, Georgia.  Henry can be found on the 1840 and 1850 censuses in Jackson and the 1860-1880 censuses in Carroll County.  Henry is listed as a Methodist Minister in the book "Methodist Preachers in Georgia 1783-1900 " by Harold Lawrence, 1984.  Most likely, he was affiliated with the Dry Pond Methodist Church while living in Jackson County, GA.

Henry Merk, Methodist Minister

Henry appears to have remained close with his stepbrother, John J. Dorris, since John Dorris listed Henry in his Will.  John Dorris also lived (and died) in Carroll County, Georgia. 

Henry died sometime before the 1870 census when Elizabeth is shown widowed.  On the 1880 census for Carroll County, she lists both of her parents as born in Ireland.

Children per the 1840 census, Jackson County, Georgia

  • 1 male 5-9; 1 female under 5; 1 female 5-9

Children listed on the 1850 census, Jackson County, Georgia

  • Lucinda, 17
  • James E., 16
  • William J., 15
  • Louisa M., 13
  • Marion W., 12
  • Sarah C., 10

(Apparently a couple of his children were missed on the 1840 count)

Children listed on the 1860 census

  • Lucinda J., 25
  • James E., 24
  • Louisa, 20
  • Marion, 17
  • Sarah C., 16

Children listed on the 1870 census

  • Jane, 31
  • Washington, 22
  • Louisa, 23

Per Find A Grave, James E. Merck served in the Confederate Army, Civil War, Company F, Phillips Legion, Cavalry.  Born 1832 and died 1899.  Buried in Whitesburg Cemetery, Whitesburg, Carroll County, GA.  Married Virginia S. Haisten.


  • Robert B. Hampton to George and Henry Merk, 194-1/2 acres on Curry's Creek, White's line and Mayo's line are mentioned, part of the original 9487-1/2 acres granted to John Peter Wagner; Witness George Martin, Deed book I-J , page 60, February 15, 1828.

  • George & Henry Merk to Hezekiah W. Pharr of Walton County, 190 acres on Curry's Creek, White's corner is noted, part of 9487-1/2 acres granted to John Peter Wagner; Witnesses John Pharr, Sylvaness Ripley, JIC, Deed book I-J, page 61, November 18, 1829.

  • James Paine to Henry Merk, 174 acres on the North Fork of the Oconee, John Orr's line noted, Dry pond tract noted, Hog Mountain Road noted, part of original survey of John Peter Wagner; Witnesses Isaac Rawls, Sylvaness Ripley, Deed book K, page 240, March 16, 1836.

  • James Garvin to Henry Merk, 174 acres on North Fork of the Oconee River, John Orr's line noted, Dry Pond tract noted, Hog Mountain Road noted, part of original tract granted to John Peter Wagner; Witnesses Isaac Rawls, Sylvaness Ripley, JIC, Deed book K, page 240, March 16, 1846.

  • James Garvin to Henry Merk, 40 acres, Dry Pond tract noted, Orr's line noted; Witnesses E. Hewitt, Stephen Justus, G.B. Wood, J.P., Deed book K, page 482, May 1, 1838.

  • Coleman Jennings to George Merk, 130 acres on Hurricane Creek, part of Beard's survey, widow Heard's line noted, Sisson's line noted, Gouvain's line noted; Witnesses Samuel Martin, J.R. McCutcheon, J.P, Deed book K, page 373, February 6, 1840.

  • Elizabeth Dorris to Frederick Parks Henry, for her maintenance until her death, 40 acres, Dry Pond corner, Merk's Corner, Orr's line; Witnesses, William Winburn, B.H. Overley, Claiborne Harris, J.P., Deed book L, page 140, January 22, 1840.

  • Same page as above, Henry Merk to Elizabeth Dorris, same land as described above, same witnesses, same date.

    The above 2 records are very interesting.  >>Click here for more info<<

  • J.C. Pinson to G.Merk, 50 acres Park's Creek, A. Wilson's line noted; Witnesses, A. Justus, J.P., Ansel B. Wilson, Deed book L, page 387, October 16, 1843.

  • George Swain of Paulding County to G. Merk, 200 acres on Sandy Creek, originally granted to Swain, part of 650 acres originally granted to Swain on Dec 1832; Witnesses T.M. Wilhite, Claiborne Harris, J.P., Deed book M, page 69, January 29, 1839.

  • Abijah Wilbanks to G. Merk, 50 acres on North Fork of the Oconee River, Elizabeth Palmer's line noted, G. Merk line noted, Ansel Wilson line noted, John M. Lester and Wilhite line noted, part of 287-1/2 acre original grant to Wiliam Few; Witnesses James M. Adair, Claiborne Harris, J.P., Deed book M, page 70, December 27, 1837.

  • Craddock Gober to G. Merk, 52 acres on Park's Creek, Wilson's line noted, Allen Justice line noted, Henry Gober's line noted; Witnesses J.P. Hudson, Jas. Hargrove, J.P., Deed book M, page 71.

  • G.Merk to Ezekiel Burgess of Franklin County, 200 acres on Sandy Creek, originally granted to George Swain on 1832; Witnesses James P. Williams, Isham Jolly, J.P., Deed book N, page 219, November 24, 1843.

  • James Pinson to G. Merk, 153-1/2 acres on Parks Creek of the North Oconee; Witnesses ____ Thompson, A.E. Bacon, J.P., Deed book N, page 317, August 24, 1848.

  • Henry Merk to Edward G. Wills, 174 acres North Fork of the Oconee, part of original grant to 9584-1/2 acres granted to John Peter Wagner, Count D'Estaing old line noted, Dry Pond Church land noted, Hog Mountain Road noted; Witnesses William P. Miller, N.H. Perdue, J.P., Deed book N, page 375, August 28, 1849.

Note: The following deeds were very hard to read due to the binding of the deed book which leaves little to no margin on the  inner parts of several pages.

  • George Merk to Henry Merk, Hurricane Creek, widow Heard's line noted, Govain's line noted, Sisson's line noted; Witness John McCollough, Land book O, page 144., November 30, 1848 (Document is difficult to read).

  • James Sisson to Henry Merk, 128 acres on Hurricane Creek, Samuel Harden's line noted, George Merks land noted; Witnesses M.G. Watkins, ___ Kidd, J.P., Land book O, page 145, August 17, 1849.

  • Lewis H. Jones and A.J. Merk to George Merk, W.E. Jackson of Augusta, GA is mentioned, 18 acres adjoining Joshua Wood, known as the Smith lot and stock house(?), including blacksmith tools; Witnesses Henry Merk, James Wilson, J.P., Deed book O, page 162, January 1, 1853.

  • Lewis H. Jones to George Merk, A.J. Merk noted, 18 acres adjoining Joshua Wood and B.J. Yeargin noted as the Smith lot and store house; Witnesses Thomas Lord(?), John Wheeler, J.P., Deed book O, page 210, May 4, 1853. Andrew Merk signature. (Appears to be the same 18 acres of land as O 162).

  • George Merk to Francis M. Miller, 164 acres on Parks Creek adjoining Story and Merk, west half of tract known as the Orr tract originally granted to Thomas Davis, D'Estaing line noted; Witnesses B.F. Park, W.P. Miller, JIC, Deed book O, page 354, September 15, 1854

  • James Orr to George Merk, 308 acres on Parks Creek, part of original tract granted to Thomas Davis, D'Estaing line noted, includes part of original D'Estaing survey; Witnesses F.P. Park, W.P. Miller, JIC, Deed book O, page 375, September 9, 1854.

  • Purchased by George Merk at public sale at Jefferson Courthouse, the property of Lewis H. Jones and A.J. Merk which was seized by Deputy Sheriff William S. Thompson; Witnesses John Nabors, P.F. Hinton, Clerk, signed by J.H. Randolph, Sheriff, Deed book O, page 430, March 3, 1855.

  • George Merk to Elijah Nunn, 200 acres on Parks Creek, Wilson's line noted; F.M. Miller, W.P. Miller, JIC, Deed book O, page 591, March 14, 1856.

  • Henry Merk to James M. Stockton, 116 acres on Hurricane Creek; Witnesses Wesly E. Baily, William Pate, JP,  Deed book O, page 775, November 19, 1858.

  • George Merk to ___ Holmes, 18 acres, James Wilson line noted, Joshua Woods line noted; Witness James E. Wilson, J.P., Deed book P, page 19, May 28, 1855.

  • Washford H. Catlett to Henry Merk, 45 acres on Parks Creek; Witnesses R.J. Millican, P.F. Hinton, Clerk, Deed book P, page 111, November 8, 1858.

  • Eliza A. Baily, formerly Eliza A. Williamson, wife and widow of Richard Williamson, release of dower, 66 acres of land on Oconee River known as Parks Creek, adjoining J.R. Mitchell, J.A. Mc____, to Wesley E. Baily, Henry Merk, Richard Williamson equally; Witnesses Davis Millican, H.L. Giddens, JIC, Deed book P, page 379, October 17, 1860.

  • George Merk to Alva G. Bennett, 73/10 acres on Parks Creek, land adjoining Alva Bennett and ___  ___; Witnesses J.S. Benton and (Illegible), Deed book P, page 642, March 15, 1861.


Southern Banner, October 16, 1862


Southern Watchman
December 18, 1872

Forest News, July 28, 1877

Forest News, August 4, 1877

George Merk deceases, Henry Merk administrator
Forest News, September 1, 1877

Forest News, October 24, 1879

Jackson Herald, February 17, 1882

Jackson Herald, April 3, 1885

Jackson Herald, December 18, 1896

Jackson Herald, Nov. 19, 1902

Jackson Herald, October 7, 1909

Rev. Andrew Brantley Merck, son of Henry, grandson of George and Elizabeth Langley Merk
Gainesville News, September 9, 1903

Jackson Herald, February 13, 1913

Jackson Herald, June 20, 1929

Jackson Herald, December 2, 1943


G.J.N. Wilson, The Early History of Jackson County, Georgia, (1914, W.E. White)
Land records were obtained from the Jackson County Courthouse.
Newspaper clippings were obtained from Georgia Historic Newspapers.

(This page was updated on 6/15/2023)