Mayson - Records

The following are just a few of the records that I found for James Mayson and his descendants in select books and publications (noted in blue).  These are not sorted in any fashion: Some are for James and some are for his descendants.  I have highlighted a few that are of importance to any ancestry study of his family.

Will and Codicil of James Mayson

Below is the Will and Codicil of Col. James Mayson as transcribed by Charles C. Miller (the Will) and The Upper South Carolina Genealogy & History organization (the Codicil).  The original Will and Codicil can be found on and  Note that Charles C. Miller died in 2006 - he was a researcher of the Mayson-Miller-Kesler and associated families. He is likely descended from Adenia Mayson Miller whom I am also descended from.

SC Deed Abstracts, 1719-1772, Vol. III, Clara A. Langley

March  1765 - Mortgage: James Mayson, Lucas Holt, merchant, of Glasgow Plantation to Robert Dillon Tavern Keeper of Charleston 3000 dollars, 556 acres where he resides, with all its buildings, tools, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, wagons, plate, furniture and 6 negroes.

Feb 1768 - James Mayson land is noted as an adjacent landowner on a record between Joseph Barnett of Berkeley County and John Murray, Esq. of Charleston for 18,000 acres above Ninety Six

April 1768 - James Mayson is noted as a JP on a document between William Turk and John Savage on the Saluda River.


South Carolina Deed Abstracts,1719-1772, Vol. IV, Clara Langley

April 1765 - James Mayson was a witness to a land transfer between Isaac Pichlynn (Pichelin?) to John Heard on Coronoco Creek branch of Saluda River.  John Savage, J.P.

Jan 1767 - James Mayson is noted as a J.P. on a land record between Joseph Thomas and Frances Black on Saluda River.

April 1786 - James Mayson, John Savage and Benjamin Durbar were witnesses to a land transaction between Robert Goudey and Henry Patrick.

December 1768 - James Mayson is noted as J.P. on a land transaction between John Foster and John Savage. Samuel Savage, David Cunningham and Mary Beal are witnesses.

September 1769 - James Mayson is shown as J.P. in a land transaction between John Bryans and Benjamin Duborow.

October 1767 - James Mayson is shown as J.P. on a land transaction between James Anderson, Sr. and William Anderson on Ninety Six Creek.

February 1768 - James Mayson's is shown as an adjoining landowner in a land transaction between John Murray Esq. of Charleston and Joseph Barnett that consisted of 18,050 acres above Ninety Six and bounded on the NE by the Saluda River.

July 1770 - James Mayson's is shown as an adjoining landowner in a land transaction between Thomas Anderson and Robert Dillon on Wilson Creek.  Robert Cunningham, Samuel Cunningham and Ann Mayson are witnesses.

September 1766 - James Mayson is shown as J.P. on a land transaction between Patrick Troy, Robert Goudy and John Savage for 200 acres on the south side of the Saluda River near the Island Ford.

May 1770 - James Mayson is shown as J.P. on a land transaction between James Anderson and John Anderson on Ninety Six Creek.  James is also shown as an adjoining landowner (SW). 

August 1769 - James Mayson is a witness to a land transaction between Robert Gill and Benjamin Duborrow on north side of Saluda River.  Before Robert Cunningham, J.P.

November 1770 - James Mayson is shown as J.P. on a land transaction between John Auxberg and George Adams.

April 1773 - James Mayson gave a mortgage to Thomas Lyston, John Benfield and Maurice Jones for 400 acres on Ninety Six (creek?), bounded by Thomas Nighingall, Dr. John Murray and Timothy ReardonJohn Savage, J.P.

SC Deed Abstracts, 1773-1778, Brent Holcomb

July 1773 - James Mayson is shown as an adjacent landowner in a land transaction between Joseph Barnett, Thomas Adams, John Hamilton, William Simpson and John Murray, 25,000 acres, above Ninety Six on Saluda River.

October 1770 - James Mayson sold 200 acres on south side of Enoree called Warrior's Creek to William AndersonAnn Mayson is noted.  Witnesses are Benjamin Durborrow, James Calhoun and Joseph Freeman.

September 1773 - James Mayson of Ninety Six, to Charles Pinckney of Charlestown, Esq., surviving assignee of John Benfield and Maurice Jones, merchants, by which he is indebted to Charles Pinckney as surviving assignee appointed for the benefit of Mr. John Nutt of London, merchant, 500 acres on waters of Ninety Six adjoining Dr. John Murray, John Anderson, Timothy Reardon now Tacitus Gaillard, land now of Robert Goudy.

February 1774 - James Mayson is shown as a J.P. on a land transaction between John Edwards of Ninety Six and Mackerness Goode.  Witnesses: William Martin, David Anderson, and Samuel Savage.

January 1774 - James Mayson is shown as a J.P. on a land transaction between Richard Allison of Ninety Six and John Edwards.  Witnesses: William Martin, David Anderson and Samuel Savage.

October 1773 - James Mayson Esq is listed as having an interest in a land transaction along with John Murray, James Parsons, John Rutledge, Benjamin Walker, William Murray, William Simpson, for 18,050 acres above Ninety Six adjacent to the Saluda River.

March 1774 - James Mayson is noted to have been granted land on 20 June 1764 on a branch of Stephens Creek.  100 acres of this land was sold by Andrew Williamson to John Lewis Gervais.

(This may have been on Hard Labor Creek – see April 1774 document that follows)

May 1775 - James Mayson is noted as an adjoining property owner in a land transaction on the Saluda River.  Others are James Parsons, John Rutledge, Alexander Cameron, Stephen Anderson, William Anderson, Thomas Bell, William Davis, John Savage and Benjamin Durborows.

May 1775 - James Mayson is shown on a land transaction between himself and James Simpson of Charlestown for 100 acres on Williams Creek.

Jan 1778 - James Mayson is a witness to a land transaction between Ann Beatty and Major Samuel Wise containing 238-1/2 acres in St. Bartholomews Parish.

September 1776 - A William Mayson is shown as J.P. on a land transaction between Thomas Gibson and Rowland Rugely for 250 acres on north side of Saluda River.

(Is this a typo – is this really James Mayson?)

October 1775 - James Mayson is noted as an adjacent landowner in a land transaction between Joseph Freeman and William Anderson on a small branch of Ninety Six Creek.

February 1780 - James Mayson is noted as an adjacent landowner between Henry Patrick and Isaac Crowther, on Ninety Six Creek.

March 1789 - James Mayson and his wife Henrietta to Isaac Crowther, 100 acres on Ninety Six Creek.


South Carolina Memorials: Abstracts of Land Titles Volume 1, 1774-1776, Jesse Hogan Motes III and Margaret Peckham Motes.

December 1774 - John Mayson is shown as an adjacent landowner on a land transaction of Joseph Wood, waters of Indian Creek.  Patrick Cunningham, Surveyor. [1]

December 1774 - John Mayson 100 acres on Indian Creek bounded by Benjamin LewisPatrick Cunningham, Surveyor.

(These two records may be typographical errors - Is this James Mayson?  I found no records other than these for a John Mayson during this early period)

February 1775 - James Mayson is noted as an adjacent landowner on a land transaction for Joseph Freeman on Ninety Six Creek.  William Anderson, surveyor.

May 1775 - James Mayson is noted as an adjoining landowner in a land transaction for Captain Alexander Alexander for 100 acres on a branch of the Saluda River called Ninety Six Creek.


A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records, Volume 1, James Wooley

Nov 1823 - C.C. Mayson and James L. Mayson were buyers at the estate sale of Richard Mathews.  Other buyers of note were Elihu Creswell, Larkin Chiles; Garland Chiles noted.

Nov. 1816 - Archie Mayson and Elihu Creswell are noted as trustees for Elizabeth Swift, late Elizabeth Ball and Jonathan and William Swift to Thomas Meriweather Esq of Edgefield.  Waters of Stephens Creek.  James Mayson is a witness.


A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records, Volume II, James E. Wooley

1820 - Nimrod Chiles, Lucinda married Lewis Ball.  Lucinda is 14 years old?

1805 - Will of Nimrod Chiles notes adjacent property owner James Mayson, dec'd.  Archie Mayson and Walter Chiles executors.  Witnessed by John Mayson and John Chiles.

1816 - Willis Mayson is was a buyer at the estate sale of Joseph B. Dickenson.  Other buyers of note were Wm. Swift, D. Cunningham, Jonathan Swift.

1841 - James L. Mayson received $400 from the estate of William Douglass.

1816 - John Mayson was one of the appraisers of the estate of Lewis Gamble.

1821 - Charles C. Mayson was a buyer at the estate of Margaret Griffin.  Another buyer was Jonathan Swift.

1820 - An A. Mayson was a buyer at the estate sale of Benjamin Hatter.

1820 - Charles C. Mayson and Elihu Creswell Sr were buyers at the estate of Edmond LillyWilliam and Thomas Chiles provided bond.

1825 - C.C. Mayson was the guardian of the minor children of John McKeller Jr.


Spartanburg County / District South Carolina Deed Abstracts 1785-1827, Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr.

May 8, 1777 - James Mayson Esq. sold 400 acres on forks of Tyger River to James Dyson.  Samuel Brize, Randolph Casey are mentioned.  Land was granted to James Mayson by Lt. Gov. William Bull in June 1774.  Witnesses were John Coury Smith, John Ritchey and Peter Hubbard.  Henrietta Mayson signed.

1803 - A 400 acre survey for James Mayson in March of 1773 is noted in a land transaction for William Miller and Lewis Ogrier (Foster?).

1811 - Samuel Nesbett sold to Andrew Nesbett, 45 acres on the south side of Middle Tyger River.  Part of a grant of 400 acres originally given to James Mayson  in June of 1774 who sold it in June of 1775 to James Dyson.

1810 - James Mayson's name is noted in a land transaction on Molley's Creek.

1836 - Charles C. Mayson is noted to have been residing out of state in a court record for the estate of John McKellar, Sr. who left minors who were the guardians of Charles C. Mayson.  The record notes 7000 acres of land worth $20-30K dollars which needs to be accounted for by Charles to the court.

Newberry County South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court 1785-1798

1789 - Col. James Mayson is noted in a tax record for Richard Johnston.

1789 - James Mayson is noted as a General Justice.

1789 - Col. James Mayson issues a permit to William Swift to retail spirituous liquours in Newberry County near Peach Hill.

1790 - James Mayson is shown as a member of the court.

1790 - James Mayson is shown as a member of the court.

1790 - Colonel James Mayson, Esq., ordered that Letters of Administration be issued to himself and Isaac Crowther on the estate of Mrs. Catherine Hart, dec'd.  Estate to be inventoried by James Mayson, Jr., James Creswell and others.

(Catherine Hart was likely the sister-in-law of Henrietta Hart Mayson - married a brother of Henrietta)

1791 - Judge Mayson is noted as having requested scales with gold weights for the measuring of money in the county's possession.

1792 - James Mayson brought suit against Volentine Risoner.

1794 - James Mayson is noted as present at an intermediate court.

1794 - Judge Mayson is noted as appointing Judges Brown and Casey.

1797 - The estate of William Swift is noted with Elizabeth Swift as executor.  James Robert Mayson and Dr. Jacob Roberts Brown are to qualify the widow.  James R. Mayson provided bond.

1798 - James Mayson is noted as a Justice – JNC along with Levi Casey.

1798 - Samuel Mayson is shown as one of the administrators of the estate of Peter Buffington.

(Is this a typo? Who is Samuel Mayson?)

1798 - James R. Mayson brought suit against William Day.


The below record is an example of his business/legal duties.  In this case, he was the executor for William Purves who is probably related to Lt. Col. John Purves.


James Mayson and Robert Cunningham were the administrators for the estate of William Purves in 1772.  Note the names Robert Goudy, John Caldwell, Sr., and John Savage.


Will of William Mayson

William was the son of Col. James Mayson.  He died about May or June of 1797.  His estate was administered by his brother James Robert Mayson, Isaac Logan and Jonathan Chiles.

Note that the Will above was obtained from the SC Archives online where several more Wills are available for the descendants of Col. James Mayson.   Due to time constraints, I have chosen to not post them all here but one can easily visit the online records available through the SC Archives website to obtain/download any others that are of interest.  Visit the SC ARCHIVES here and simply enter Mayson in the search box.

7500 Marriages from Ninety Six & Abbeville District, SC 1774-1890, Larry Pursley

John Chiles Jr. married Sarah Mayson

Dr. John Wesley Connor married Henrietta Mayson

Elihu Creswell married Katherine Mayson

Archy Mayson married Phoebe Chiles

Charles C Mayson married Margaret Glynn DuBose

James L Mayson married _ Douglass

James Robert Mayson married Nancy Ann Conway

John C Mayson married Nancy Ann Bostic/Cowdry (?)

RC Mayson married Isabella Lyon

Ramsay Mayson married Eliza Grundy

Willis Mayson married a Goudy

Frances Mayson married Dr. James Moore


[1] Robert, Patrick, John and David Cunningham were brothers; Their cousin was William "Bloody Bill" Cunningham.

(This page was created on 9/27/2023)