Pettigrew/Petigru Family

The progenitors of the southern Pettigrews are James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran who immigrated to the USA (Pennsylvania) from Northern Ireland about 1740.  The home in Ireland where James grew up is still standing.  See Crilly House here.  The story told most frequently is that James was Protestant and Mary was Catholic.  This union formed a problem with their respective families and they left Northern Ireland for America where they could live outside the Protestant-Catholic "problem".

Information found at Pettigrew State Park in North Carolina
(Author photo 2017)

Will of James Pettigrew III, Abbeville District, SC, 1784

The descendants of James and Mary moved into North Carolina, South Carolina and Alabama and the Pettigrew name is noteworthy in the history of those states.  Because this family made an imprint in these states, there is a bounty of information available online, at state archives, local libraries and universities.  I have provided a few links at the bottom of the page if one is interested in obtaining more details about this family.  I will only provide some highlights of my research here.  My line is through Mary Pettigrew, the daughter of James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran.  Mary Pettigrew married John Verner and they moved to the western part of South Carolina along the Tugaloo River.  My maternal grandparents are both descendants of James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran.


One of the sons of James and Mary Pettigrew was Rev. Charles Pettigrew who was an Episcopal minister.  He was the Rector of historic St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Edenton, NC for many years.  This church has its origin in 1701 in NC.  He also appears to have built the St. David's church in nearby Cresswell, NC on his own land.  The church is also known as "Pettigrew's Chapel".

Plaque inside St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Edenton, NC
(Author photo 2017)

Historic St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Edenton, NC
(Author photo 2017)

Like the historic Episcopal church in Williamsburg, VA, there are many graves that lie inside the old church at Edenton, NC
(Author photo 2017)

St. David's Episcopal Church, aka Pettigrew's Chapel
(Town of Cresswell photo)

The grandson of Rev. Charles Pettigrew was the Confederate Brigadier General James Johnston Pettigrew who was wounded at Gettysburg (and later died as a result).  He was the son of  Ebenezer Pettigrew and the great grandson of  James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran.  The Pettigrew State Park in eastern NC is named for this family.  There also was a building named Pettigrew Hall on the campus of the University of North Carolina that was name for General Pettigrew.  Several books have been written about him as well and of course any book about the Gettysburg Battle will include his role (some also have his biography).

Brigadier General James Johnston Pettigrew

Civil War era photo of General James Johnston Pettigrew
(Internet sourced: Unknown provenance)


James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran finally stopped moving when they arrived in Abbeville District about 1750 or so.    The area where they lived was known as the LONG CANES in the 1700s. In 1760, The Long Canes Massacre took place in this area. Their grandson (James "Long Jim" Pettigrew) noted on his pension application that he worked as an Overseer for Patrick Calhoun, the father of John C. Calhoun.  Patrick was the firebrand Presbyterian who is one of the earliest white European settlers of the Long Canes area.  He is said to have immigrated from Northern Ireland to Pennsylvania before then moving to South Carolina in the mid-1750s - a route that the Pettigrews and Verners may also have taken.

It appears that they lived very close to the old Hopewell Presbyterian Church.[1]  The Hopewell Church was located about 11 miles south of present day Abbeville just off of Highway 28.  There is a structure near this site but the age of this structure is not known by the author - it looks to be 1800s era, not 1700s. 

Hopewell Presbyterian Church?

Hopewell Church Marker
Marker is not located at the location of the church in the photo above


Like my Verner ancestors, there were sons, grandsons and in-laws of James and Mary that served in the American Revolution. It is apparent that the Pettigrews and the Verners lived fairly close to one another when the American Revolution began in South Carolina.

The pension applications of their grandsons James and his brother William can be found here: James W5522 , William S21421  James and William were the sons of John Pettigrew and Sarah Mathews and thus the grandsons of James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran.   

Based on his birth year of 1713, James was too old to fight during the American Revolution, but he no doubt supported the cause and probably provided money and supplies.  It is also highly likely that his 5 known sons also participated in the Patriot cause in some fashion.  It is likely that son James was a Captain.  The daughter of James Pettigrew III and Mary Cochran, Mary, married John Verner Sr.  David Verner, the son of John Verner and Mary Pettigrew Verner, stated on his pension application that he served with his mother's brother Captain James Pettigrew.  This James Pettigrew (IV?) likely died during or shortly after the Revolutionary War leaving no widow or children.  

Mary Pettigrew and John Verner are my 5th great grandparents, the progenitors of the South Carolina Verners.  Visit my VERNER family page for more information on these ancestors.

One of the most famous Pettigrews of South Carolina is James Louis Pettigrew.  James was a noted statesman and lawyer.  He was the son of the Revolutionary War soldier William Pettigrew and Louise Guy Gibert and the grandson of James Pettigrew and Mary Cochran (see above).  Louise Guy Gibert was the daughter of the Rev. Jean Louis Gibert, a protestant French Huguenot minister who led a large immigration of protestant refugees from catholic France in 1764 to England and then on to New Bordeaux, South Carolina.

Probably because of his mother's french ancestry, he changed the spelling of his last name to the Huguenot French form - Petigru.  He was firmly against secession.  He is buried in same Charleston SC (St. Michael's) cemetery as Charles C. Pinckney, a signer of the US Constitution.  Note that Rev. Samuel Hart was Asst. Rector of St. Michael's church during this time period.  Rev. Hart's daughter, Henrietta, married Colonel James Mayson[2]  There are a couple of books that have been written about him but there are numerous books which include some history of him and the Pettigrew/Petigru family - I have those links at the bottom of this page.

James Louis Petigru
(Internet photo; Owner unknown)

Memorial for James Louis Petigru located near his grave at St. Michael's Episcopal Church cemetery in Charleston, SC
(Internet photo; Owner unknown)

The sister of James Louis Petigru, Adele Pettigrew, married Robert Francis Withers Allston, the the future Governor of South Carolina.  

Adele Pettigrew
(Internet sourced: Provenance unknown)

The South Carolina Encyclopedia, edited by Walter Edgar

James and Adele were children of William Pettigrew who was a soldier in the American Revolution.


In the 1800s, shortly after Alabama became a state, we found descendants of James and Mary and their allied families had moved to the Eutaw area.  Their grandson James "Long Jim" Pettigrew was an early settler of the area.  He married Jane Harkness.  The Revolutionary War pension application of the James and later his widow Jane can be found on Fold3.  The file on Fold3 contains 92 pages including sworn affidavits that have in depth knowledge of James' war service and the Pettigrew family history.  

One of his sons was Ebenezer Pettigrew who married Rebecca Coleman.  The home of Ebenezer Pettigrew's father-in-law (John Coleman)  is still standing near Eutaw, AL.  Rebecca Coleman Pettigrew is somewhat famous in Alabama history.  She came to the aid of the survivors of the ELIZA BATTLE steamboat disaster that occurred on the Tombigbee River near their plantation on May 1, 1858.  Her home was used as a temporary hospital for the survivors.

The historic John Coleman house known as Grassdale built early 1800s, located near Eutaw, AL
According to the censuses, he had at least 75 slaves on this property
This was likely the childhood home of Rebecca Coleman Pettigrew
(Photo: Wikipedia)


As you wish to know something of the origin of your family, I will give you as good an account as I can.

My great-grandfather (James Petigru, b. Abt. 1613) left France for the sake of his religion in the time of King Louis XIV, and was an officer in Cromwell's Army.  He had two sons, John and James (b. Abt. 1659).  As to John, we have very little account given of him.

James Pettigrew I (b. Abt. 1659, SCOTLAND) married Martha Moore, a Scotch lady.  He settled in Ireland and was an officer in King William's army at the Battle of the Boyne (1690).  He was given a tract of land of 300 acres in County Tyrone on what was called the Blackwater where he lived and died.  7 sons and 2 daughters: William, James (my father), Robert, Charles, John, Samuel.  One died young.

William was the eldest.  He had three sons.  His oldest son, James, held a Captain's commission, was with Howe at the Battle of Brandywine, and was badly wounded.

Robert, the third son, was a Doctor of Physics, and said to be eminent.  Charles never married.  John had a large family.  Samuel got a Captain's commission, was at Gibraltar and died there.

My father, James Pettigrew II, had a classical education, but never went to college.  In his 18th or 19th year, he married Mary Cochran, the daughter of Capt. George Cochran who lived at a place called the Grange.  After having four children, he left all of his friends and came to American in November 1741.  He landed at New Castle.

His oldest child was a daughter named Rachel after her grandmother with whom she stayed.  My father became acquainted with Dr. Franklin, who wished him to study physics, which he declined, but got a tract of 300 acres on March Creek in Pennsylvania where he lived until he was broken up by the War of 1755.  Shortly after Braddock's defeat, he sold his land for 80 pounds and removed into Virginia to Lunenburg Old Court House, and rented a piece of land.  There I was born in 1758 (26 Feb 1758).  After staying there three or four years we removed into Granville Co, NC, bought 300 acres of land from Mr. Howell Lewis.

Before he left Pennsylvania, he sent for his daughter Rachel, but she died at sea.  His next oldest child, Martha, married a Mr. John Witherspoon.  She had a large family.  Likewise his son, John, married Sarah Matthews.  Mary, his third daughter, who is now alive, married a Mr. John Verner.  These were all married before we left Virginia.  When he came to North Carolina, he had James, Charles, George, Ebenezer, William, Jane, Elizabeth and Nancy.  These were all single.  James went to the (illegible in copy), Charles to school.  The rest of us stayed at home.

Hearing a good account of Long Cane (Abbeville District, SC), my father sold out, and set out in the latter end of October 1768 for South Carolina, where we landed after three weeks traveling.  Jane, about this time, married Stephen Tilly.  Charles had a school in Edenton so that our family was but small.  We settled on what was called Jews' land, about 6 or 7 miles above Abbeville Court House.  We lived there until 1775 when we removed to land bought of John Du upon Little River, now in the possession of Peter Brown.

Our land being good, we made good crops, our stock increased very fast, and my father and mother enjoyed themselves quite comfortably until the war commenced, which did affect us until the Indians broke out on 1st of July 1776.  The alarm was great.  Capt. Smith and family, all but two sons, were killed.  The whole country was in a great bustle to get a place of safety which we found at Mr. James Noble's fort, commanded by Patrick Calhoun, Esq.  As the family did not stay long in the fort, they soon got home.  I was taken to camp.  Everything went on very well and better than we had the right to expect until the year 1779.  James Pettigrew, the son of John, better known as "Long Jim", brought up the camp fever from Stono.  My father had him brought to him home where he lay 2 or 3 weeks, but at last recovered.  My youngest sister, Nancy, was taken with the same kind of fever.  I was obliged to join camp on the 8th of August.  She was ill at the time, but we did not think in great dancer, not March until the 11th, then we set out for the middle ground between the Cherokee and Creek Indians.  When I was about 100 miles out from the habitation, I was overtaken by Gen., Anderson who told me my sister died the very day we marched from our encampment on the Lower Dam?? in Georgia.  I wished to turn back, but Gen. Pickens would not hear of it.  I wore four solitary weeks before my return.  The last day and night I rode about 61 miles, still in hopes the news might not be true, but I found it much worse than I had heard, for my other sister, Elizabeth, lay at the point of death, and died the day after my arrival, 15th September.  This was a serious shock to the family as there was no white person left with my parents but myself.  But I have dwelt long enough on the distressing.  I will now give a short account of the other side of the family.

My grandfather, George Cochran, was married to Rachel Higginbotham.  He had 2 sons and 2 daughters.  His oldest son, Robert, died young with the small pox.  William lived to be old, enjoyed a small post under the government, but was not happy in his marriage.

My great-grandfather, Robert Cochran, is mentioned in the history of those times.  He was a Captain of Dragoons, was in the memorable siege of Derry (1689) where they all like to have died of famine before they got relief.  It is recorded of him that he went through the body of King James' Army, sword in hand, after his horse was shot under him, and he shot through the leg, and that he killed two French generals though he always said he killed only one, Gen. M???. He was a good soldier, there is no doubt.

My grandfathers on both sides were old. One had 94, the other 96 marked on his tombstone.  I have given you a small sketch of your ancestors which may be an amusement in a vacant hour, and I hope you will always conduct yourself in such a manner that it will be a pleasure to some friend to write your history, and I wish it may be handed down to posterity.

I found this online and there was no original document shown so I cannot attest to the authenticity of the information.  This was said to have been written by William Pettigrew, the youngest son of James Pettigrew and Mary Cochran Pettigrew

The above Pettigrew/Petigru family history was prepared by Penelope Johnson Allen (1886-1985) who was the State Chairman of the Tennessee D.A.R and a newspaper columnist.  I have not reviewed all of this information but the parts that relate to my ancestors appears to be mostly correct.  My line is through the daughter (Mary Pettigrew) of James Pettigrew and Mary Cochran Pettigrew who married John Verner.


  • I do not know if the organization is still in existence, but there used to be a publication called "The Pettigrew Family Quarterly" that was published four times a year.    Check and  the Abbeville and Greenwood (SC) libraries for this publication.

  • The University of North Carolina has quite a bit of Pettigrew information - visit link

  • A digital download of the books The Pettigrew Papers, Vol 1 & 2, written by Sarah McCulloh Lemmon, over 1500s pages of Pettigrew family research can be obtained here - visit link.

  • James Louis Petigru: Southern Conservative, Southern Dissenter by William and Jane Pease - visit link.

  •  The Making of McCormick County by Bobby F. Edmonds


[1] William Pettigrew statement in the pension application of his mother Jane Harkness Pettigrew.

[2] Rev. Samuel Hart is my 7th great grandfather.  His daughter Henrietta married Col. James Mayson who was a key figure in the southern campaign of the American Revolution.  James and Henrietta are buried on the grounds of the historic Ninety Six Battlefield, now a National Park.  Henrietta Hart and James Mayson are my maternal 6th great grandparents.

(This page was created on 8/7/2023; Last modified on 8/27/2024)