Little is known about the adult lives of Spain or his wife Nancy Talbot. They both were born and died in Wilkes County, Georgia and appear to have spent their entire lives there. He was born in 1794 and he died on June 23, 1866. His given name (Spain) likely derives from his grandmother's surname (France). The name Francis/Frances is also common with this Colley family. Nancy Talbot was born to Joseph Hale Talbot and Bethany Callaway in 1802 and she died in 1884. He appears to have been a farmer. They were married in 1827 by the noted Baptist minister Rev. Enoch Callaway. [1] Some of the original estate documents for Spain can be found at the Georgia Archive and the name "WR Callaway" can be found as one of the appraisers. Presumably, this man is William Reeves Callaway the son of Rev. Enoch Callaway.
(GA Archives)
The log cabin home of Spain Colley and Nancy Talbot is said to have originally stood very close to the present day intersection of Highway 78 and Philomath Road (near the Rayle post office). The author has read that it was moved at least once. Most likely it originally resided near the gravesite of Spain and Nancy (GPS 33.79078, -82.90284). Today, the home sits in the rear yard of the old Robert Toombs mansion in downtown Washington, GA.
Interestingly, this home may have been where Spain & Nancy's daughter Elizabeth was murdered when she was only 18 years old. See more info HERE.
(Photo found in Willingham's "We Have This Heritage" book; author of photo is unknown)
(Photo courtesy Kate Messer)
(Author photo, 2016)
GPS: 33.79078, -82.90284
(Author photo, 2016)
[1] The Callaway family has a rich history in Virginia and Georgia. For example, Rev. Enoch Callaway is the ancestor of Ely Callaway the founder of Callaway Golf Company. Callaway Gardens is also the product of this Wilkes County Callaway family. By virtue of Spain Colley's marriage to Nancy Talbot, the author is also related to this Callaway family of Wilkes - Nancy Talbot's mother (Bethany Callaway) was Bethany Arnold Callaway the mother Rev. Enoch Callaway.
This page was created on 2/24/2025