I am using this page for miscellaneous Wansley records.  These are not arranged in any particular order or hierarchy.

Marriage of Fleming Wansley & Becky Patterson, December 13, 1832

Fleming Wansley sold 50 acres on Van's Creek to Jacob Rufus Bailey, adjoining Fleming's land
Elbert County, GA, December 23, 1861

Fleming Wansley to N.G. Long, 115 acres on Van's Creek. Johnson Wansley's Will noted.
(GA Archives, microfilm)

Deeds from various Wansleys.  Note the transactions between Elizabeth Wansley and Johnson Wansley and Franklin Cunningham and Reuben Wansley  Land on Coldwater and Van's Creek.
(GA Archives, microfilm)

The land transaction between Franklin Cunningham and Reuben Wansley is dated August 5th, 1809, for 125 acres on Coldwater Creek.  This is a transaction between brothers-in-law.

The land transaction between Johnson Wansley and Elizabeth Wansley is thought to be between mother and son - Elizabeth Cunningham Wansley the daughter of Col. John Cunningham.  This document is dated 1867. 

Note that the 1847 transaction between Fleming Wansley and Beverly Allen is rather interesting because Beverly Allen was a notorious character.  In the book "The Story of Georgia and the Georgia People 1732 to 1860 by George Gillman Smith, D.D.", "The Virginia people who came into Elbert at its first settlement were many of them Baptists, and some of them Methodists, and the first Methodist missionaries came into this county, then known as Wilkes, and began their work. Beverly Allen, a scion of a prominent family in Virginia, who was a Methodist preacher, and long but incorrectly regarded the first Methodist preacher in Georgia, had his home in this county. He was a man of rare gifts and of great influence, but become involved in trouble in South Carolina and was expelled from the church. He then became a merchant in Elbert, and incurred heavy debts to eastern creditors. He was sued in the United States court, and when Marshall Forsyth in Augusta, where he was at the time, made an effort to arrest him, Allen killed him and fled to Kentucky. Here he became a prominent physician and a wealthy man."  Some have stated that Forsyth was the first US Marshall to be murdered. It also appears that Allen was a Georgia State Congressman and Senator.  Beverly's brother may have been William Allen whose home is still standing in Elbert County.  This land is on Tate's Lake east of Elberton and south of Ruckersville.  Beaverdam Creek flows into Tate's Lake.

1860 Non-Population Schedule for Elbert County

Note the names: Fleming, Gaines, Patterson & Wansley likely living fairly close to one another

Various Tax Digests - (Courtesy Ancestry.com)

1860 Elbert County
Note Joseph Rucker's name with over 15,000 acres

1873-1877 Elbert County

1878-1882 Elbert County

1883-1887 Elbert County

1890 Elbert County

Ruckersville Methodist Church where several Wansley's are buried
(Author photo 2015)

Wansley- Beck cemetery where John Wansley is buried along with several of his descendants
(Author photo 2017)

(This page was created on 8/7/2023)