Source: SC Archives unless noted otherwise
1. A land grant of 450 acres on Stephens Creek, Belfast Township, Granville
County South Carolina, February 6, 1771. Names listed are John Bremar (Attorney), Matt
Long (Surveyor) and Andrew Williamson (adjoining landowner to the NE).
2. 450 acres in Belfast Township, Granville
County. Adjoining John Calhoun, August
1772. His tract is referred to as Bounty
Land. Adjoining Samuel Ester (?) to the
SW and Blair's old survey land to the south. John Bremar (Attny) and Patrick Calhoun (Surveyor).

3. He is an adjoining landowner to James Anderson and Balker Merk with Adam Bauer's land adjoining James Anderson. George Frederick Erlbeck is also listed as adjoining James Anderson. Hard Labor Creek, Belfast Township. Patrick Calhoun signed as the surveyor, February 1772.
4. A William Dorris is listed as an adjoining landowner SE of John Cowser on Rocky Creek a tributary of the Savannah River. Another adjoining Cowser is John Blair to the NE. John Bremar (Attorney) and William Thomas Caldwell (Surveyor) are listed, Granville County, August 1772.
5. A record for a Dorris adjoining David Logan and John Clem Swilling on Hard Labor Creek and Stevens Creek in 96 District, May 1773. John Bremar (Attorney) and John Purves (Surveyor).
6. A record listing him in a land deed adjoingin Nicholas Frederick Meyer on the SE. Other names listed are James Anderson, Ann Maria Artaback , James Croser, Robert Patterson, David Presley and Andrew Williamson. Probably Hard Labor Creek but Stephens Creek is also listed. June 1773.
Note: Artaback is probably Erlbeck (German) and Croser is probably Crozier.
7. A record listing him on a land deed for James Anderson. Other names listed are John Adam Baure, Frederick Erlbeck and Balker Merck. Hard Labor Creek, July 1773. (No plat in the record)
Note: Baure is probably Bauer/Bower
8. A "Lease and Release" document to Andrew Williamson in 1774.
9. A record listing him as on a land deed for John Cowsar. John Blair is also listed. Rocky Creek, Granville County, May 1775. (No plat in the record.)
10. A William Dorris is listed in the estate of David Bell. Other names are Elizabeth Bell, John Bell and George Conn. August 1795.
11. A William Dorris is listed in a land record for Henry Cook on Rocky Creek. Other names listed are Bell, Robert Carson, Henry Cook, George Swellin and Andrew Williamson. August 1797. (No plat in the record.)
12. Will of Reuben Chiles lists land bequeathed to his daughter Moriah that formerly belonged to a Dorris: "…three hundred ninety acres of land including Dorris old field with lands adjoining.." Will is dated March 1808.
13. Will of Josiah Langley lists daughters Rebecca Dorris and Lucy Dorris bequeathing land to each of them near or on Five Notch Road. These daughters married Dorris men. Five Notch Road is near present day Bradley SC. Will is dated February 1826.
9. A record listing him as on a land deed for John Cowsar. John Blair is also listed. Rocky Creek, Granville County, May 1775. (No plat in the record.)
10. A William Dorris is listed in the estate of David Bell. Other names are Elizabeth Bell, John Bell and George Conn. August 1795.
11. A William Dorris is listed in a land record for Henry Cook on Rocky Creek. Other names listed are Bell, Robert Carson, Henry Cook, George Swellin and Andrew Williamson. August 1797. (No plat in the record.)
12. Will of Reuben Chiles lists land bequeathed to his daughter Moriah that formerly belonged to a Dorris: "…three hundred ninety acres of land including Dorris old field with lands adjoining.." Will is dated March 1808.
13. Will of Josiah Langley lists daughters Rebecca Dorris and Lucy Dorris bequeathing land to each of them near or on Five Notch Road. These daughters married Dorris men. Five Notch Road is near present day Bradley SC. Will is dated February 1826.
Other Documents
1796 Document listing William Dorris (Jr.), Herman Gable, Henry Gable, Jacob Gable
(SC Archives)
(SC Archives)
(This page was updated on 10/11/2020)