The author has done limited research on this family line so please consider this a work in progress. An internet search should provide the reader with numerous sources for study on this family. Also, since this is an old Virginia family, the Library of Virginia and other historical Virginia organizations should provide ample material for further research.
The historical publication William & Mary Quarterly has several articles that have been published about the Wyatt/Wiatt family of Virginia. These publications are readily available at most libraries and state archives. [1] We also have the Magna Charta pedigree work done by John S. Wurts [2] which provides us with some ancestry of the Starke and Wyatt families. This work by Wurts places the Wyatt family as descendants of Alfred-the-Great, King of England (894-901). This line includes Sir Thomas Wyatt (1500s) who was executed for his attempt to prevent the marriage of Queen Mary to Philip of Spain which started a revolt.
From these articles, I have gleaned the following information: The author's ancestor from this line is Anne Wyatt who married Colonel John Starke in 1734. Anne is the daughter of Captain John Wyatt (1689-1750) and Jennie Pamplin. According to Hurts, this line descends from Rev. Hawte Wiatt [3] who was a minister in Jamestown from 1621-1625. Hawte was the brother of Francis Wiatt a two-time Governor of Virginia. These Wiatts came to America from England.
[1] Also, a Google search will turn up the website JSTOR where you can register and read a limited number of articles.
[2] Magna Charta, John S. Wurts, 1939 +, Brookfield Publishing.
[3] Magna Charta, Volume IV, pp. 922-923
This page was created on 2/24/2025