Descendants of James Mayson

Currently, I have not seen any definitive documents that prove the existence of a first wife (Miriam) for James Mayson nor have I seen a document that indicates when he married his second wife (Anne) so proving which children (and thus descendants) were from Miriam and which were from Anne cannot be determined - all we can do is speculate based on the limited information at hand.  We do know when his second wife died (1775) and when he married his third and last wife (Henrietta Hart, married 1776) so we can be more positive about the children of James and Henrietta (and their descendants).  We have his Will and a Codicil and a few other documents but the all the children and descendants of James is a rather murky picture.  Hopefully with the advances in DNA testing we can narrow things down in the future.  Please consider this page as a starting point - it is not complete by any means.


Researchers seem to agree that James was married 3 times: Miriam, Anne, and Henrietta

The Will of James Mayson

His December 29, 1796 Will names his "present wife" Henrietta, many children and 2 grandchildren.

Children (I present them here in the order that they are listed in the document): 

  • John Mayson, when he becomes age 18
  • Archey Mayson
  • Kitty (sic - Catherine?)
  • Jackey (sic - Jackie)
  • Fanny (sic - Frances)
  • Sally 
  • Louisa
  • Willis
  • Charles
  • Ramsey
  • Merriam
  • James Robert
  • Elizabeth Swift
  • Cressey, youngest daughter (sic - Chrissy)
  • Adenia Mayson (Granddaughter)
  • Jonathan Swift

Thus, his Will names 14 of his 16 children.  We know that Luke died during the American Revolution and William died earlier in the year (1797).  In the Codicil to his Will written October 19, 1799, James removed his son James Robert Mayson for personal reasons.

Per the research of research of Mayson descendants Claude M. Hill and Carolyn Mayson Stewart [6], the breakdown of his 16 children by his three wives are as follows:

  1. Miriam (lnu)
    • Nancy
    • Luke 
    • Miriam

  2. Anne (lnu)
    • James Robert  [2]
    • Elizabeth - married William Swift [8]; then married a Davenport; then married a Ball
    • Christiana - married a Clarke
    • William - died about May or June 1797

  3. Henrietta Hart
    • Archibald - married Phoebe Childs/Chiles; then married Elizabeth Lowe
    • Katherine - married Elihu Creswell
    • Willis - married a Goudy/Gowdy
    • John C. - married Ann Moore a widow
    • Frances - married Dr. James Moore
    • Louisa - never married
    • Charles C. - married widow Margaret Glynn DuBose.  He was a graduate of SC College (now the University of SC) and practiced law.
    • Ramsay - married Eliza Grundy
    • Sarah - married John Chiles Jr; then married L.B. Holloway

Comparing this list to his Will, we have anomalies with daughters Nancy, Sarah and Sally..  If Nancy had also died before he wrote his Will, this would explain her not being named.  And Sarah and Sally might be the same child - he used familial nicknames for several of his children so Sally might be the name he used for his daughter Sarah.


  • Miriam - Nothing is known for certain.  Some have speculated that they were married in Scotland while others have speculated that she was of English descent and they met and were married in Charleston - the basis for these claims is not provided.  Another Mayson descendant and researcher Charles C. Miller believed that she was a Harris.  No birth or death dates known.  I have not seen any extant documents with her name.

  • Anne - After Miriam's death, he married Anne about 1767 and they had several children.  Her maiden name is not known. some researchers claim that she was a Goudy (Gouedy), daughter of Robert Gouedy who was an early settler of the Ninety Six area; However, Robert's Will dated July 2, 1775 makes no mention of Anne.  His Will does note a son named James Goudy and a daughter named Sarah Goudy and three Indian daughters Peggy Goudy, Kiunagree Goudy and Nancy Goudy.  Anne Mayson did not die until August 1775 so she was alive when Robert wrote his Will - If she was his daughter why is she not mentioned in his Will?  It is also unlikely that Anne was the daughter of his son James who was born in 1757.  Per his grave marker located at the Ninety Six National Historic Site, James Gouedy died on March 5, 1816, "age 59 years".  He married Elizabeth Betsy Chiles in 1780.

    Anne was married to James Mayson by July 1770 - Based on a document dated July 1770 where Ann Mayson witnessed a land transaction along with James.[2] 

    Her death on August 26, 1775 was chronicled in Rev. William Tennent's diary "Were alarmed in the night by a messenger to inform us that the wife of Major James Mason was drowned in crossing Wilson's Creek on her return from sermon". [1]

  • Henrietta Hart - James married Henrietta in 1776.  A good bit is known about Henrietta.  She was the daughter of Rev. Samuel Hart, the Anglican minister and Assistant Rector of St. Michaels Church in Charleston.  Rev. Hart was also the Chaplain for the 3rd SC Regiment when James Mayson was one of the unit's commanding officers.

    We have a document dated May 1777 which is signed by Henrietta Mayson and we also have a document dated 1789 where his wife Henrietta is noted. [3]

    Henrietta and James were originally buried on their land (Glasgow Plantation) but their graves were moved in 1939 due to the creation of Lake Greenwood.  They are now buried at the Ninety Six National Historic Park.

    Henrietta may have had a sister or sister-in-law named Catherine that was a Loyalist, married to Henrietta's brother who might have been a Loyalist and she was living in the town of Ninety Six during the 2nd siege:  

    Request of James Mayson to General Greene regarding his sister-in-law, 2nd Siege of Ninety Six
    ("Chaos In The Backcounty: Battle of Ninety Six", Robert M. Dunkerly, National Park Service (non-copyrighted))

In 1790, James Mayson ordered that Letters of Administration be issued to himself and Isaac Crowther on the estate of a Mrs. Catherine Hart, dec'd.  Estate to be inventoried by James Mayson, Jr., James Creswell and others.  This might indicate that Catherine had married a Hart.[4]



We can only speculate about the children of James by his first two wives since we do not know the death date of his first wife nor do we know when he married his second wife (Ann) - we do have records for Anne being his wife beginning in 1770.  Based on his marriage to his third wife (Henrietta Hart) in 1776, we can be fairly confident of his children with Henrietta.  

Probable Children of James Mayson and his first wife Anne

If James married his 2nd wife (Anne) in 1767 as other researchers have noted, this likely would have made any sons from this union too young to be eligible for service as soldiers in the Revolutionary War.  Since we have Revolutionary War records for sons Luke and James Robert, it is almost a certainty that son Luke was Miriam's son and probable that James Robert was also a son of Miriam.  There are occasions where young boys were drummers and fifers as early as age 12 or 13, and the record that we have for James Robert shows him in the SC State Militia, so it is entirely possible that he was a young militiaman.  We also have a land record where he is listed as the only heir of his brother Luke which is a rather curious document if he was only the 1/2 brother of Luke.   Also, we have a record for a John Mayson and a William Mayson that also served in the 3rd SC Regiment - is John another son of James and is this William the same son that died in 1797?

  • Nancy - nothing is known.

  • Miriam - married Major David Anderson of Tyger River. David Anderson (1741-1827) was another Northern Irish Presbyterian Revolutionary War soldier whose father William immigrated to Pennsylvania and then moved to the Waxhaws area of South Carolina before finally settling along the Tyger River in Spartanburg County, South Carolina where his family were members of the Nazareth Presbyterian Church near present day Moore.   Captain David Anderson commanded a company at the Battle of Ninety Six which is likely where he became involved with the Mayson family.  David’s house was burned and his father (William) was murdered by a band of Tories disguised as Indians.   David’s son James Mason Anderson operated a grist mill along the Tyger River in 1831.  The mill was operational until 1975 and the remains of the mill can still be found along the Tyger River at its intersection with Anderson Mill Road. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.   Most likely the remains of the mill that can be found today are more recent than the early 1830s but there is an old stone foundation and water wheels that are still in place which are probably at least 100 years old.  This Anderson family is well documented in the annals of South Carolina history.  Since this Anderson family is intertwined with the history of my Miller ancestors, please visit my research on the Miller family for more.

  • William - appears to have died in 1797.  His estate was administered by his brother James Robert Mayson The short list of buyers of the estate included James Robert Mayson, Archy Mayson and James Mayson.  Other buyers are James CaldwellBerry BostickCaptain William Anderson, John Watts and Robert McCoombs

    Is this the same William Mayson that served with the 3rd SC Regiment in 1776?

  • Luke Mayson - We have documents from 1779 showing that he was a 1st Lieutenant in the 3rd SC Regiment commanded by Colonel William Thomson (same regiment as his father).  For him to have been an officer in 1779, this likely makes his birth date before 1759 and thus he is likely  the son of James by James' 1st wife Miriam.  We also have a document dated 1784 which appears to be the transfer of land to James Mayson, Jr. "heir to his deceased brother Luke".  This document is a land plat that also shows James Mayson, Esq. as one of the adjoining landowners.  To me, this clearly indicates that Luke and James, Jr. are sons of (Lt. Col.) James Mayson. 

  • James Robert Mayson, Jr. - married Nancy Ann Conway June 17, 1787.  This is my line - >>CLICK HERE<< for information on James Jr.   I am placing him here as the son of Miriam but he could also have been the son of Anne.

Probable Children of James Mayson and his 2nd wife Anne

  • Elizabeth - married William Swift; then married a Davenport; then married a Ball

  • Christina - married a Clarke

Children of James Mayson and his third wife Henrietta Hart

  • Archibald (died about 1823) - married Phoebe Chiles a daughter of John Chiles, Sr.

    Charles' 1st wife Phoebe died and Archie then married Elizabeth Lowe - no issue.  There are several references to an "E. Mayson and Mrs. E. Mayson" in his estate administration as well as an affidavit from Elizabeth "widow & relic of Archey Mayson" where she relinquished her "right of administration".

    The rather large 1824 Edgefield District estate administration file for Archy contains the following relevant names:  Charles C. Mayson, Elizabeth Mayson, Louisa Mayson, Ramsey L. Mayson, Willis Mayson, James Creswell,  Elihu Creswell, Lewis B. Holloway, Beauford Chiles, Garland Chiles, Nimrod Chiles, Willis Mayson. The name James B. Miller is noted in several places - not sure but this may be the James Miller that married Adenia Mayson, daughter of James Robert Mayson.  Archie's Will also shows at least 18 slaves. (The 1820 census lists 27 slaves.)

    Archie and Phoebe had the following children:

    • Emeline
    • Mary Ann
    • Elizabeth (1809-1851) married George Thew  of Augusta, Georgia; buried Augusta, GA
    • Caroline - married a Mr. Youngblood
    • Francis Marion (1811-1846) married Anna Horton Lloyd; buried Nashville, TN
    • Dr. Charles Newton Mayson  (1823-1906) - married Frances Roper in 1844 in Edgefield County, SC then married Addie Davis in 1866 in Atlanta.  He was a noted doctor in Bartow County, Georgia. See footnote [10] below - I am not convinced that Charles is the son of Archie.

      (Internet photo posted by Paul Dietrich; Original author unknown)

      Charles Newton Mayson supposedly had thirteen children but only the following are known:

      • Rebecca Alice Mayson (1845-1886) - doesn't appear to have married
      • Emma Elizabeth Mayson (1851-) - doesn't appear to have married
      • Sarah Ann Mayson (1852-) - doesn't appear to have married
      • Ella M. Mayson (1854-1934) - married John Rollins
      • Fanny Mayson - (1857-1886) - married a Perry
      • Sallie Mayson - (1861-1883) - doesn't appear to have married
      • Susan Howard Mayson (1858-1934) - doesn't appear to have married
      • Joel Francis Mayson (1846-1926) - married Maria Camilla Sanford and they had four known children.  Confederate veteran, 5th GA Reserves, rank of Sergeant.  Maria Sanford was the daughter of Frederick Sanford, a lawyer and very active in the Democratic Party.
      • Mary Mayson (1876-1960) - married Prof. James Hamilton Hall, Jr. and they lived in Newnan, Georgia.  James is the son of Dr. James Hamilton Hall who was a prominent Baptist Minister in the area.

  • Katherine - married Elihu Creswell, the son of the noted Presbyterian Minister Rev. James Creswell who was one of the founders of the Rock Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC in 1770.  Katherine and Elihu had 1 child: James Creswell.  Katherine died and Elihu then married Sarah Hunter, daughter of Senator Hunter.  Note that Rev. Creswell lived on the north side of the Saluda River and co-operated a ferry with Col. James Mayson.  Elihu may have moved to Pickens District where he died in 1833 (Pendleton Messenger Marriage & Death Notices, Brent Holcomb).

  • Willis  (d. about 1825) - married a Gouedy (Nancy or Elizabeth?) who was no doubt a descendant of an original settler of Ninety Six, Robert Gouedy.  Known children are:

    • John Ramsey Mayson - probably the John R. Mayson (1820-1895) that moved to Madison County, MS and is buried in the Canton City Cemetery.
    • Robert C. Mayson.  Robert C. Mayson is said to have married his cousin Frances Mayson (see below).

Willis' name is listed as a Deputy Surveyor on an 1814 land plat.  This same plat lists "heirs of James R. Mayson" as an adjoining landowner.
  • Sarah (1784-1883) - married Major John Chiles, Jr. who was at one time the local Sheriff.  They had the following children:

    • Frances Emily Chiles (1807-1884) married the noted physician Dr. Lewis DeSaussure Ford.  Dr. Ford was a founder of what is now the Medical College of Georgia. He was also a Mayor of Augusta and a Surgeon for the Confederacy.  His accomplishments and history are too long to list here - a Google search will return numerous documents for hours of reading. 
    • John R. Chiles (1815-1895) was a Judge in Tennessee. Married Sue Rochester.  Their  children were Antonio Chiles and James M. Chiles.
    • James M. Chiles (1810-1883) - married Sarah Tatum, moved to Hinds County, MS.

      • Louis De Saussure Ford Chiles (1845-1911) Mayor of Jackson, MS 
Major John Chiles, Jr. died in 1846 and Sarah married the Baptist minister  Rev. Lewis B. Holloway. They moved to Hinds County, MS.  He was one of the founders of the First Baptist Church of Clinton, MS.  Sarah's son James M. was named in the Will of  Rev. Holloway as his "stepson".   Rev. Holloway, his wife Sarah Mayson Holloway and her son James M. Chiles are buried in the Terry Cemetery in Hinds County, MS.
  • John C. Mayson (died about 1816) - married Nancy Bostick, a widow, who married a Moore, before marrying John.  After John died, his widow married a Cowdry.

    John and Nancy may have had as many as 14 children.  The known children of John Mayson and Nancy Bostick:

    • Henrietta Mayson (1807-1894) - was married twice and later lived in Cave Spring, Floyd County, GA where she is buried.  Her first husband was John Wesley Conner; her 2nd husband was John Paxton Holt (1800-1889 - buried Marietta City Cemetery, Marietta, GA).

      In 1825, Henrietta attended a ball given for Marquis de Lafayette at the Planters Hotel in Augusta, GA.[11]  She apparently met the Marquis while there and he is said to have remarked on her beauty.  Her uncle, Charles C. Mayson was one of the organizers of the ball.  

      Henrietta Mayson Conner (left), her daughter Harriett Wright (right), grandson Conner William Wright and great-grandson Augustus Wright.
      (Internet photo - Margaret Hollingsworth; Author unknown)

      Henrietta Mayson Conner Holt
      (Internet photo: Unknown author)

      Henrietta Mayson
      (Internet photo: Unknown author)

      • Son Wesley Olin Conner (1841-1920) was a Civil War veteran and he became one of the principals of the "Georgia  Institution For the Deaf and Dumb".  His son became the principal of the School for the Deaf in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

        Wesley Olin Conner
        (Internet - Margaret Hollingsworth; Author unknown)

      • Another son died in Kansas territory while on a trip carrying provisions.

    • Henry Hart Mayson (1809-1892) - married Frances Mays and they had several children.  One of their sons was J. Girard Mayson who fathered Preston Brooks Mayson who became a Colonel in the US Army during WWII and later a lawyer and a Judge in Spartanburg, SC. [5]  Preston's son Elford Morgan Mayson was a Colonel in the US Army.  Another son, Preston Brooks Mayson Jr., was an accomplished soldier, physician, and lawyer.  He achieved the rank of Lt. Colonel while in the Army.  According to one of the eulogies posted on the West Point website and a newspaper article, Preston spent some of his youth in Atlanta living on the Army base at Fort McPherson (no longer in service and now the property of the City of Atlanta).  Presumably, his father was stationed there for several years.

      Preston Brooks Mayson, Jr.
      West Point Military Academy website photo

      "Dr. Mayson was born in Spartanburg, S.C. He was descended from early settlers of Virginia and South Carolina who fought in the Cherokee Wars and the American Revolutionary War. He was a graduate of the United States Military Academy; George Washington University School of Medicine, where he was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society; and, Washington and Lee University School of Law.  His Army service included tours of duty with the 82nd Airborne Division, the 25th Infantry Division, Letterman Army Hospital in San Francisco, Calif., Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, D.C., and the 93rd Evacuation Hospital in Vietnam. He practiced radiology with Radiology Associates in Roanoke for 18 years, and, after receiving his law degree, he practiced law in Roanoke for nine years before retiring in 2000."  The above is from the West website.

  • Frances Mayson - married Dr. James Marsh or Moore.  They had 2 sons, Edwin and James.

  • Charles C. Mayson (1792-1837) - married the widow Margaret Glynn DuBose.  He was a graduate of SC College (now the University of SC) and practiced law.  Moved to Tennessee and then to Mississippi and became the MS state treasurer and state politician. Died August 27, 1837 in Jackson, MS.  Middle name may have been Calhoun.

    • Mary Antonia Mayson (1825-1846) - 1st wife of Col. William C. Richards.  This William C. Richards is likely William Coolidge Richards who was a Major with the 9th Mississippi Sharpshooters during the Civil War.  He was a schoolteacher before the war and after the war he was a bank president and mayor of Columbus, MS.  Col. Richards remarried and he died at age 87 despite being wounded and imprisoned during the Civil War.
    • Charles Calhoun Mayson - 1828-1853 - District Attorney in Jackson, MS; died of Yellow Fever at age 25.
    • Colonel James Hamilton Mayson (1833-1869) - served in the Civil War as Captain, Lt. Colonel and Colonel of Company D, 7th Mississippi Infantry.  (This unit may have also been known as the 7th Regiment, Mississippi Volunteers - see for Hamilton Mayson);  This unit saw action as part of the Army of Tennessee and known battles were Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Atlanta, Missionary Ridge and others; Later he became a Mississippi State Senator.

      Colonel James Hamilton Mayson
      (Internet - origin unknown)

  • Ramsay L. Mayson - married Eliza Grundy. Graduate of South Carolina College (Now the University of South Carolina) in 1814 where he was a member of the Clariosophic Society in 1812, Moved to Sumner County, TN where he practiced law.  His name can be found in the original documents for the Lebanon and Nashville Turnpike Corporation.[7]  He appears to have moved to Desha County Arkansas where he became a Judge.  He died in Arkansas in 1854.  Note that the town of Napoleon, Arkansas (and the town cemetery where Ramsay and Eliza and several family members are likely buried) is now mostly under the waters of the Mississippi River. [8]

    • Dr. C.R. Mayson - may have moved to Bolivar County, Mississippi. Note that Bolivar County, MS is directly across the Mississippi River from Desha County, Arkansas.
    • George Elliott Mayson (1829-1859) - married Mary Louisa Levitt.  He was Sheriff and Postmaster for now defunct town of Napoleon, Desha County, Arkansas in 1858.
    • Frances (Fannie) Mayson (1821-1906) - is said to have married her cousin Robert Mayson son of Willis Mayson.  Frances is buried in Drew County, Arkansas.
    • Sally Mayson -  married a Mr. Murphy
    • Felix Grundy Mayson (1817-1873) - served with the 4th Texas Infantry, Company A, Confederate Army. Buried Mobile, AL.
    • Robert G. Mayson (1822-1880) - buried Boliver County, MS. Not sure if this is a son of Ramsey & Eliza or if this is the husband of Frances (above), daughter of Ramsey & Eliza. 

  • Louisa - never married.  Mentioned in the estate administration of her brother Archie in 1824.


The Wills of James R., Archibald, Willis, John C.,  Charles and Ramsey can be found on

[1] Travel Journal and Album of Collected Papers of William Tennent III, 1740-1777; University of South Carolina Digital Collection

[2] South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1719-1772, Vol. IV, Clara Langley

[3] Spartanburg County / District Deed Abstracts 1786-1827, Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. and South Carolina Deed Abstracts, 1773-1778, Brent Holcomb

[4] Newberry County South Carolina, Minutes of the County Court 1785-1798

[5] Preston Mayson Sr. and his family are noted in attendance at the 1939 D.A.R. ceremony at the new gravesite of Col. James Mayson and Henrietta at what is now the Ninety Six National Historic Park.  The actual unveiling of the new memorial markers was noted to have been Preston, Jr. and his brother Morgan.  The Index-Journal, Oct. 29, 1939, Page 9.

[6] 2005 Obituary of Carolyn Mayson Stewart:  94, widow of the late John Blanding Stewart, Sr., died Saturday, August 6, 2005 in Lake City Community Hospital after an illness. Mrs. Stewart was born in Edgefield, SC; a daughter of the late George Rupert and Leila Flinn Mayson. She was a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Winthrop College in 1931, and did post graduate study at the University of South Carolina. She retired from teaching in public and private schools in South Carolina, was an adult education instructor and helped organize the first literacy program in Lake City. Mrs. Stewart was also a librarian at the Lake City Public Library.  (Author note: Lake City is a part of the Florence, SC metro area.)  Carolyn appears to be a descendant of James Robert Mayson as is the author.  

[7] This is either Highway 70 or Interstate 40 today.

[8] The town was located at the confluence of the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers.  It was abandoned during the Civil War and a part of the Mississippi River was re-routed directly through the abandoned town during the fighting.  Some say parts of the town can be seen at low tide.  See more info hereAnd here.

[9] March 1799, Elizabeth Swift widow and relic of William Swift, merchant, deceased...  Elihu Creswell, Archey Mayson noted as merchants; James Robert Mayson noted as her brother; her sons Jonathan and William noted.  Also Henrietta Mayson and Kitty Creswell are witnesses.  Newberry Deed Abstracts, Vol. II, Brent Holcomb.  The SC Archives has numerous land plats for William Swift; One of those plats was in Pendleton District adjoining land owned by Gen. Andrew Pickens.  He likely was a land speculator.

[10] I have found no proof that Charles is the son of Archie except for a D.A.R. record. He first appears on the censuses in Cass County, Georgia in 1850 living near a Joel Mason.  Joel Mason is shown to be 55 years old and certainly old enough to be the father of Charles.  Joel is living in DeKalb County, GA on the 1840 census - living near the descendants of James Lucas Mayson.  This census shows a male in the household of the correct age to be Charles.  Also, Charles named one of his sons Joel.  If Charles is the son of this Joel, who is the father of Joel?  His name is spelled Mason not Mayson - are they even related?

[11] See the following for more info on his visit:  and

(This page was created on 9/27/2023; Last updated on January 18, 2024)