Walnut Fork Baptist Church


All indications are that Prosser was a member of the Methodist Church but he lived close to the Walnut Fork Baptist Church.  His daughter Winifred married William Clements and several of this Clements family were members of Walnut Fork Baptist Church.  (See the section on the Clements family.)

From the church program dated September 7, 1947:  When the group of like-minded men and women decided to form a church on May 29, 1802 at the home of Joseph Thompson, Sr., Cullimen(Culliver) Clements, Agnes Clements[1] and Joannah Clements were part of the group of 15.

·      Isaac Busson is noted as a preacher here, a War of 1812 veteran at Fort Daniel, and a buyer at the Estate sale of Prosser Horton.

·      Culliver Clements was one of the first 2 deacons.  He was the brother of Benjamin and James and the uncle of William.

·      Mitchell Bennett was an early pastor (1821).  He too was a War of 1812 veteran.

·      Charles Dougherty was a buyer at the estate sale of Prosser Horton.

·      Margaret and Elizabeth Telford are part of my Lemon extended family.[2]

·      Mary Cochran was the wife of James Cochran, a Revolutionary War soldier.

·      Reuben McClung and Polly Williamson were likely later married.

·      Sally Glenn may be the daughter of Prosser Horton – she married James Glenn.

·      Aaron Williamson could be the Adam Williamson who married Elizabeth Horton, daughter of Prosser Horton.

·      Hannah Braselton is the wife of Jacob Braselton, Sr.


[1] Agnes Clements was the wife of Charles Clements (brother of Benjamin and uncle of William); Joanna was probably a daughter of Culliver/Charles.

[2] See my book "Atlanta and Decatur First: They Were Presbyterians".

(This page was updated on 7/25/2021)